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Everything posted by Apache...

  1. The way I do things is all the ragging and rewarding are done in the first year then after that it's dig to my dog open up and pull them out as soon as, no rag or reward in and out.
  2. I was down them ways Saturday so a quick drive over to u ain't no problem to me, I'll be out again in the morning haha poor terrier was jumping out of her skin.
  3. Good day out Ss, gave my old back a rest from digging for once, a nice bunch of lads too. ?
  4. My lurcher is a pain in the f****n arse, if there's room she's gone I had a dig a few weeks back and after backfilling let her off the lead to walk back the jeep she flew to ground 40mins in there ffs, she'll catch bolters but have to tie her up sometimes ?.
  5. He could have knelt down to make the dig appear a much deeper, that's standard on the thl. ?
  6. I like the young bitch m4d, strong and compact.
  7. Good going, dogs and lads all seem to get a bit of action, I'll be down ur way next weekend.
  8. Going back to the thin skin comment Fd, (something that pisses me off) I'm sure something has been added to the breeding and crops up in black terriers now and again (thankfully not in mine) maybe border/lakey etc because the majority of blacks have thick skin.
  9. I was just interested if it was the colour I've had a couple of choc pats with no issues at all, but have experience with another breed and the chocs seem to have skin conditions and bad coats.
  10. Some of the skin problems you had with the terriers Fd where they mostly with chocolates?
  11. Nice bitch Liam, good strong head on her.
  12. Handy dig to start the NewYear off.
  13. All the best for the new year fellas, now I'm off out to get hammered. ?
  14. If the lad was serious and he was only a couple of hours away he would have got the dog the next day no excuses.
  15. Sounds like things went well there, had a break in the weather here had a handy dig to my bitch on new permission, roll on the holidays. ?
  16. Alls good there then, you had an eventful day out, had a break in the weather here, handy dig to my bitch on new permission roll on the holidays. ?
  17. 3 pages back 3d you asked me why????? ?
  18. I was helped out when I was younger so I wouldn't mind helping anyone out even if I didn't know them that well but I'd sound them out first, they wouldn't be getting the cream of the crop but I'd help out some way and see how it went. But once bitten ?...and all that. At the end of the day if it don't work out so what!!!
  19. Abc I read a post the other week some chancer I know was biggin his dogs up his pups up and his dig up ffs what was worse was the likes he got had a few on here easily fooled, now if a yank posted it most would have jumped all over it, by the way you do talk shit sometimes. ?
  20. Take DC up on his offer that type would suit you 3d you'd be a fool not too, a dog ready to go at this time of year is rare even if it is just for squirrels ? Good luck anyway.
  21. I think the pair of you are wasting your time, from the sounds of it the dog isn't going to be tested at all, maybe chase a few squirrels that's about it. Get yourself another rescue dog 3d, there's more dreamers on here than you think I could count on one hand the serious digging lads on here.
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