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Everything posted by Hooger

  1. Sorry Gerard, I now realise that you are from Drenthe. I had a good friend from Groningen and friends in Appingedam. Regards, Lutra Lutra. Groningen is where I come from originaly.
  2. Thank you, for the comments. I think I can learn a lot here on this forum.
  3. Shooting someone elses rifle is not my thing. I think I would rather opt for buying a sub 12Ft/Lbs so I could keep using my one scoop and practice with it over here.
  4. @ Simon: I have a feeling it will be challenging to get it all just right What life would be without a challange
  5. Good to hear he asked for it him self. The term banned under the avatar is confusing though When I would need a fac for it in the Netherlands it would not be a problem I suppose. In that case I could convert the dutch fac in to a international fac for travelling with the gun. Problem is I will not get a fac for a gun that does not require one. Maybe I could get a fac for a .22LR and let my PCP register to this licence, or would it be possible to apply for a fac in brittain directly form Holland?
  6. Hi, I am Dutch and live in the north of Holland. I am a great fan of Scotland and a keen PCP shooter and bushcrafter. I would like to do some pigeon and rabbit hunting in Britain with my own PCP 0.25-27ft/lbs and wonder how to go about it. In Holland this gun is free of licence. But hunting with a PCP is forbidden. Si Pittaway mentioned this forum in one of his youtubes so I thought lets see what he is writing. Now I'm in I see he is banned from this forum. Would anybody know why? Gerard
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