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si brown

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Everything posted by si brown

  1. top pick is 3 shots of .204 home loads and bottom pick is testing a new batch of 6.5 home loads, the one on the sticker is the last of a batch and the two next to it are the new batch at 100 yard
  2. Good session sd, you’ll be flat out making meatloaf tonight When you put your recipe up ages ago i made some and my eldest tree huggin save the world daughter smashed it in and left me sod all? this little teckel I’ve got sulks like a kid, I’ve never known a dog that gets the monk on and won’t look at you for hours?
  3. It’s 3 years since the estate got the squirrel grant and the contractors all but wiped them out but there back, been working there on some stables and seen a fair few bouncing about! can see me doing a few Sunday afternoons in the woods:) Yorkshire squirrel bait?
  4. Last time I used them Fcukin things was bout 15 year ago, was fixing up an old barn and me mate had to hold on to back of my belt while I walled the last two corse so we didn’t fall through the gap at front of the Scafold ?? vowed I’d never use the fcukers again after that:( never seen them H shaped things above
  5. Na… bout 20 mile away from Scarborough ? there rare little dogs when they work well, daren't put some of the photos up… this is dad got some fair old paws
  6. Yeah it’s a teckel dog, got him off a keeper who’s been building his own line up! he uses his on the shoot and good with the fox’s too? looking forward to hearing about you catchin up with the fox?
  7. Nice to see you back mr sd? missed reading about your escapades! so much so I got me own sd?
  8. Its worth it and it gives you something to do on a night like this:( just about to tackle a bag of spent 204’s… once you’ve wrapped you head round it it’s a doddle! you can go way to far into it but I’ve found the bullet manufacture data is usually spot on so no messing about?
  9. Get yourself a reloading setup stav, you can get all the stuff cheap second hand if you look about... it’s not that expensive brand new either. it’ll be a doddle for you working with engine tolerances for years?
  10. Open the front door hit the fields and pay nowt?
  11. I’ve got a 6.5-55 for for deer, might sound a bit strange but I don’t want to shoot a deer with a gun with a plastic stock? and the thing I like about the tikkas is there pretty much a smash about and sling back in the safe kind of gun… think you might be right with the .243 it’s easy to load for and it’s the same gun me mate uses.. he took a fox out other week with his at about 250yrd off a fence post with a pard strapped to the scope
  12. I’ve been loading for a mate who swears by them he only uses a .243 and he’s foxed and looked after shoots for donkeys years. got to confess as much as I love my .204 it’s bloody heavy.. it’s mint for shooting off quad stix but I’ve got a paggerd shoulder and it’s not much fun lifting it on them:( I called in gun shop today as I was working on a farm round the corner and I was waying up lighter rifles! My minds juggling either a 22-250 or 243 tikka non bull barrel?
  13. Never had any bother with sheep, not so keen on some types of cattle but I hate horses.. there the ones I keep away from?
  14. Monkey was Fcukin terrible? I can remember sitting in front of the tv waiting for Chanel 4 to start up, sure it was about 7pm, me me mum n sister sat there starin at telly?
  15. Wish they were cutting the beans up this way, loads of fields full of the stuff where I go, still waiting on a few silage cuts as there still leading straw ? ive given up till I get a call, watched Houdini vanish into the maze the other night too? dive into your cash stash sl, bet you’ll like these thermion scopes.. the 38mm is more than enough for what we need
  16. And that’s why I got the thermal scope sl… the penny well and truly dropped when I had to set my stall out to coincide with a car coming round the corner to light a field up? ive not forgot y to do a post/review of it but fox wise it’s just not happening? me and my mate had been on a full on campaign before he put his birds down and although we nailed a lot there are ransoms that travel… shot loads of rabbits and rats with it on air guns but the only shot I’ve had on a fox that was safe or within range I fcuked up because I was using sh1t mounts that didn’t return to zero after swapp
  17. Not sure about .17 lead free but I know the yanks have been using lead free in .204 to good affect for a while, only thing that bothers me is ricochets which it the reason I use 32grn in mine as they disintegrate when they hit the deck
  18. I’ll pm kanny and see if he wants a butchers at it, I look in on his lure making.. the mans got skill when it comes to making them! he can send it on to you then you can raffle it off and donate the money to the fishing charity if you can be doing with the hassle?
  19. Don’t often look In this section as I posted something years back when I first joined and got told I dint have a clue.. only fished for 40 years? fox do really soft trace wire, make your own as shop bought ones are shite? thought you might be interested in this, thought about giving this book to kanny or raffling it off as a freebie to be passed round the lads who enjoy pike fishing.
  20. Congrats Ben, glad your all well?? good job she didn’t come a couple of weeks ago or you would of had a little cod head
  21. I got a call about it of my fao the other week, told him I’d deleted my account and he said just keep an eye out.
  22. Franchi do some packages for starters, seen rifle scope and mod setups for under £800… they might not be the best but if you’ve got a set budget of 1k might be worth a punt. i use a begara b14 for deer in 6.5 they do them in loads of different calibers and if you get a synthetic there only about £700 and will turn out a finger nail size group with home loads no problem
  23. Been laying bricks 30 odd year and never twigged about the blocks?? I’ve always known them as dustbin men though… now they make blocks out of smashed glass and nails and any other shite they can find knocking about?
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