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si brown

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Everything posted by si brown

  1. Was on a site after the last recession and all the managers of a big brickwork contractor had been on the tools and built a house… we got carted round to be amazed at there craftsman ship! I pulled the cnuts to pieces picking out all the cockups and asked if they wanted to rough our stuff up so it didn’t stand out??
  2. I’ve known the kid for years and his dad and uncle are a good gang but this is what happens when they break away from being kept in check ?
  3. When the kid got sacked he asked” is it cos I’m black”? no it’s cos you is rough as fcuk?
  4. Mostly this week I’ll be rectifying crimes against brickwork.. in 35years of doing this I recon this is the worst I’ve seen? fake lintels badly bodged in!
  5. Never been called on and neither have any of my close mates, got tickets for all sorts.. spent many a night board in the cells! one thing my old boss use to go mad about was that I couldn’t get cleared to work on new jails
  6. You’d get piss taken just for being young it’s all part of parcel of site life? times have changed and a young game lad would be welcome now as this new generation are just lazy thick cnuts ?
  7. Be about 35yearago.. first site I worked on as an apprentice, was a big shopping centre, tower cranes the lot! the concrete ganger who piped the conc was a big x-marine and one of the lads had a spat… they took it off site to a park near by and settled there differences.. never forget that? was an eye opener to a young lad, a line was drawn and differences sorted
  8. Cheap online spot. Bravecto for Large Dogs | Fast-Acting Flea Treatment- Pet Drugs Online WWW.PETDRUGSONLINE.CO.UK
  9. mid management is the perfect roll for back stabbers.. this has never really affected me as ive been self employed since I hit my 20's and pick and chose my jobs. but from a bloke stood looking in on work places from the outside ive never met such a shower of backstabbing incompetent shit, from personal observations id say 90% of them are or were shit at there jobs and want a title and will throw anyone below them under the bus.. they dont generally have enough balls to challenge colleagues above but will take credit for anything regardless of who actually did it. I was on a s
  10. My lass took her nephew to see the seals just north of Scarborough on Monday, there’s always a few about! the tide was right out and they saw a fair few close in but what they saw in the distance and thought were the rocks were seals.. there was a ranger down there observing them and she said there were 672 in the colony.. not surprised I’m catching sod all at the moment?
  11. Second hand beretta would be my choice if I decided I wanted another! used loads of different ones and an old the old 300 I had was as good as any and the only one I had that would cycle everything and never jammed up, can still get parts for them and there cheap
  12. I know 3 different farmers who have had them jcb fast yackers burst into flames since they came out? Mental when you think what they cost
  13. Was talking to me old man last night jon.. that estate he works for not far from you have just had two combines go up in smoke? 800k ?
  14. Yeah, was like auto trader but for everything and local to county you lived in and was bright yellow! pre internet
  15. Got to say best dog I’ve ever had came from South Yorkshire from the yellow paper! got a young team now that I’m working on but it took me 8 years after the yeller dog died to even think about it again.
  16. If that blokes tiger woods.. not many women I know want a cokehead who’s always gettin caught shaggin hookers? think mines happy with hillbilly me?
  17. This wall was bout 10” out of level and fcuked from having a dip in concrete other side.. said to bloke you’ll not know I’ve done it beside it not being all wonky? dug it out new footing re built! after? first time I’ve worked in town in ages, thought I was in blade runner with the electric cars passing.. loads of old folk have them on this street?
  18. ? I’ll let you have that one.. gardening and cookin aint my thing.. I’ll be fcuked before I move another chef- gardener-bird in..pretty good at building and drinking though?
  19. Feeding time in Yorkshire… nowt to flash, been 28* over here and bangin down bricks brings a thirst
  20. Flamborough? bit extreme… only kiddin, there’s loads of nice places round here like that! Know a few lads and a mates mum lives there.. plenty of land to run and the fishing off the cliffs is ace if your not scared of falling off… one thing for sure is your not gonna get mugged by yardies ? don’t get me wrong, there’s immigrants in all the surrounding towns but I just avoid them.. no need to go into them any more.
  21. Don’t mater what couloir the Cnut is it’s time he stopped breathing
  22. last brick on a little extension I’ve been doing.. the school holiday labourer is ace, doesn’t come in with a hangover or sneak off for a cheeky line? even dose the sandwich run without moaning too.. payment was a pair of vans for bmx’ing?
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