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Everything posted by Busher100

  1. Must dig both atleast 2 seasons behind the dog not fussed on colour aslong as it stays till the jobs done. My bitch is strong Russell type has done 3 seasons bellow on both. pup back or stud fee pm me what ya got lads ?
  2. Don’t be silly mate if you were a bull x man before hand you’d know there’s 2 possibly 3 quarry here a collie x is no match for a decent bull x on
  3. Nice little bitch how big is she
  4. Plenty of couriers going over and forth weekly it’s really no hassle having a dog sent over I’ve a number for the fella I use if it’s any help
  5. That’s a real shame mate she looked a serious bitch atleast you still have black bitch onwards and upwards ?
  6. Foxes worst nightmare that? What happened the choc bull x bitch you had not long back it not make the grade?
  7. That out boots n bull x bitch mate? Lovely sort
  8. Get down butchers and fishmongers ask for the waste pay if ya have to get lamb ribs, pigs trotters,fatty beef trimmings, chicken carcuss, salmon heads fresh tuna etc coupled with a couple slices brown bread is what mine get last few months used to mix the meat and fish with Australian formula greyhound food but they seemed to start getting the shits when on it even when only fed as 25 of the diet switched to brown bread n pasta mixed with it instead much better no problems ?
  9. More like 15?piss easy walking here flat as anything most places we lamp
  10. I’m on my second pair of le chameau 120 pound a go, costly buisness all this walking lark?
  11. 10 mile you being serious only gotta fall over twice and your back home? maybe your all lucky and have good fields on your door step I don’t unfortunately
  12. If you don’t believe me more then welcome come down in the season have a night out to get anywhere decent round here takes us 2 hour odd each way walking and that’s the closest real good place to us and we are there a couple hours atleast usually more, if ya keen and wanna go good places but don’t have motor only way to do it
  13. 30 mile not long at all especially for keen young men some people don’t drive and have to walk miles to get to any decent land
  14. Will you be doing any work them and their pups or just breeding to sell pups? I get a salespitch vibe from your post
  15. Hope she comes round for you mate ??
  16. Very border looking that pup what did you put the bitch too?
  17. Will have a good strong head on it that ?
  18. That dvd was made when I was 5 mate ?? don’t kee anything outta the line bred bull x types only outta game bred dogs ?
  19. Not after a pup mate just being nosey, I keep alsorts mate first x bull grey dog, coursing bred bitch, 2 coursing bred greyhound bitchs 1 race bred greyhound bitch a jags terrier doga little beddy fell bitch and a black cocker bitch plus a mongrel mastiff ? is it just the collie bull greys you keep
  20. Do you plan on breeding any them collie bull greys you keep mate they’re a nice type?
  21. What bull x bitch you got now mate put a pic up
  22. Depends what ya do mate not saying saluki x won’t see job threw odd time when they feeling fresh but would they do it again next night when they looking like a hippo in the face I think not ? different jobs different dogs and all that ? seen 7 coursing breds run only 2 would do A fox but they wouldn’t do foxs few nights on the trot like something with a bit of the right bull or terrier blood in it if someone has one with bull x heart I’d love to come up and see it ?
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