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Everything posted by Busher100

  1. Fox pack those dogs look great do they just flush to guns or will they finish there fox single handed ?
  2. Are the first four pics mink hounds?
  3. I would of thought a jagd terrier would tick all the boxs they are the only terrier bred for allround work.
  4. How did u train them to retrieve ?
  5. So what about the retrieving side of thing most out and out earth dogs arent natural retrievers and would rather sit there and eat the bird or rabbit
  6. Surely some are better than others because out of the 5 terriers ive had 3 would retrieve a ball or stick non would retrieve game. some of the this must be bred in eg retrieving , going to ground.
  7. What terrier breed do u find best for ferreting , digging , working with the gun and bushing just terriers like patterdales , borders etc no spaniel crosses
  8. Any body have any pics of there whippets?
  9. Shes just started ferreting mate , i didnt want to rush her and put her on the lamp or start her ferreting until she was physically able to deal with a rabbit who knows what hes doing. i didnt want to make the mistake of starting her early and make her yap or start choosing runs , in my eyes shes great being my first running dog shes a nice built bitch no stupid roack back.
  10. I have a whippet bitch 12 month old 19.5 tts and 29 pound would u say this a ideal stamp of whippet or to small or to big ?
  11. What would your ideal whippet be? Height? Weight? Dog or bitch? line? Also what would you expect a good whiloet to take pre ban?
  12. I dont know how to do it mate i only know how to send oics on snapchat and watsapp
  13. I have a samsung , does somebody have snapchat and i can send it u and then u put it up because i forgot my email after i made this account
  14. I have a supposedly plummer bitch but she looks just like a sturdy russell to me she is white and tan but isnt caped and appears to be a different shape to your dogs
  15. Wm what do you find to be the best x for a allround terrier ratting ferreting digging etc?
  16. Hello everybody , im new to this site but i already have a little pack consisting of 2 terriers and a whippet i mainly hunt small fields with reed beds and brambles i am looking for a dog to come lamping with me and the whippet but also have a go bushing with the terriers. Would u think a terrier whippet x would be ideal and what type? thanks
  17. I use a fell dog a plummer bitch and a whippet dont catch much but is still enjoyable
  18. I use my plummer bitch and fell dog for bushing but my plummer has started to go to ground on rabbits any ways how to stop her?
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