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Everything posted by Busher100

  1. U must of seen a lot of bad ones , but i know my bitch is deffinatly not useless and gives 100% every run has a VERY good nose can ferret well and if im working the terriers i dont leave home without her. I can just take her out and she will do it all bush and catch .
  2. Socks how many whippets have u seen to say theyre useless?
  3. Why blame the whippet in there could of easily came from the greyhound or bull as they all as a rule have shit coats.
  4. I do like bull xs but not for rabbits rat n odd fox but if tracking shot deer or lots of foxing was my game a bull x would be top of my list just not for the kind of work i do
  5. Tb25 why is it only a good thing but in my opinion the negatives out way the positives like some can throw heavy and be to hard mouthed for edibles and if its fire your lurcher line is wanting id cull the line and start again as in my opinion all running dogs should have enough heart with out the influence of bull.
  6. I didnt say theyre useless i just said for mooching rabbit rat odd fox they are not needed.
  7. Northernlite ur bitch is a good example small dogs can do it aswell no need for big bull xs
  8. Gnipper u say 17 to 20 inch dogs struggle my whippet can straight line a rabbit pretty sharpish and i know im not the only one with a dog that can catch rabbits on open ground
  9. Why gaz unless u r tracking shot deer i dont see what big 25tts plus lurchers can do better thank a little 19 tts whirrier for mooching rat rabbit retrieving odd fox i think these are the way to go also much less likely to get pulled with 2 little whippety mongerels than a big ole lurcher
  10. If all goes well im gonna keep 2 bitches from the litter will keep the racier types should be handy for mooching round with the shotgun
  11. Nice dog mate how does she do on stuff that bites back?
  12. What was he like retrieving bigger stuff?
  13. Would he find his own quarry in open marsh?
  14. Reddog how much whippet is in that dog?
  15. Do u just mooch for rabbits mate?
  16. What other dogs do u run samurai?
  17. All my dogs have abundance of drive but i can still call them off a hot scent but once the quarry is spotted not much chance
  18. Yes as sometimes this can only be a bad thing with a fox heading for a busy road.
  19. I would think if u pick a big dog pup from a litter from a good whippet bitch and hard terrier dog u could end up with a small alrounder maybe 21tts and 35 pound it should be able to track shot roe retrieve odd fox n hare and be consistant on rabbits what do u lads think?
  20. All terrier whippet crosses
  21. For me this cross has 2 faults , prone to being deaf and lack stamina for covering big open marsh land and denses woods , how do ur whiriers do for stamina?
  22. Would they track shot roe?
  23. Northernlite what did u expect ur whirriers do pre ban?
  24. If u lads had the choice what terrier breed would u have mixed with the whippet? , because a pup from a hard core digging dog would surely still want to go to ground?
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