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Everything posted by Busher100

  1. Bit harsh like do it with my mates cat all the time of they chase it they must enjoy it
  2. Probably just a street mungral that couldn't find enough food hence you finding it starving in a corner if it was a lurcher I'd expect it should be able to catch enough to keep itself fed
  3. Pj for you that wouldn't be problem which is fine aslong as it suits you but to me the only thing we have round here is rabbits and LOTS of fox's so for me an animal that wouldn't take them in good numbers most nights o the week would be a bit of a lost cause
  4. Seen a few on here who have had the deer Grey's say alot ain't got no heart
  5. Probably just the photo then mate if you ain't thought that
  6. Not a lurcher by looks of it looks like a street mungral from pics can't see any particular breed in there unless it is a X of some of your country's breeds
  7. What's the washing up bowl all about? You do the dishes in the garden or summat
  8. There must be a reason why the collie deer grey types and deer greys have became unpopular? What would they do better than a modern day lurcher? (Eg Saluki bull grey or collie bull grey) I think alot of people who own that type of dog today look at them through rose tinted spectacles and the whole image of owning the original poaching type lurcher attracts them more to the X then the actual working ability of such animals.
  9. Cracking bitch that mate but it looks like it's got some long ole toes on it but aslong as they are strong shouldn't matter one bit
  10. Aye that's what I were thinking every first X has limitations source something bred for a few generations doing the job ( maybe even with a drop of something else in there) should give you a more capable animal
  11. Morton could you put up a few pics of your beddys as I can't remember ever seeing a pure beddy and thinking " bet that could stay couple hours" if your on about pure beddys that is and not the outcrossed specimens which to me look just as built for the job as anything else physically
  12. If they were the best at that you would see them on the fens not saluki X's If they were the best dog for teeth lads doing good numbers of them wouldn't have bull and wheaten X's I think they are a good allrounder that will do most jobs but not b the best or specialise in any one qaurry
  13. Never had one mate but if he's after retrieving fox in numbers most nights of the week a deer grey would not be what I'd want but that just me I await the fella to respond who was doing 3 and 4 a night 4 nights with a deer grey to reply. But if he wants a dog thats a bit of a allrounder and not a specific qaurry I'd imagine they'd cope well enough.
  14. I know mate but if he has a certain job in mind and rears the pup finds out it ain't up to the job he intended it for it will save some heart ache but if it's not to be a serious worker just a pet that catches a bit most any lurcher will do
  15. I heard cookland deer Grey's are decent but I ain't seen any in the field, what do you want it for mate as a different cross may be better suited
  16. Mine are run at side of the bike at the beach we have a wide concrete foot path and I just set the pace an they run either side of me cover 4 miles early conditioning and work up to 10 or so
  17. What do you mean reading poor got an A in English pal nothing wrong with my reading.
  18. Any dog will kill rats my mate had a French bull dog that would wait round holes and grab them when they came out also a farmer I knows collies hunt rats round the yard when not gathering sheep
  19. Didn't think percentages were hard the pups will be 3/8 collie 5/8 whippet mate
  20. I'm sure there's things that can be done to bring a bitch in season mate
  21. Depends what you wanna dig fox or badger? Haha
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