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Everything posted by Busher100

  1. Beddy bull grey for daytime foxing for me
  2. Tried that mate it don't work too well as the water in the metal nosel stays frozen double the time of the frozen water in the plastic bit its much easier to turn tap on cold as it goes smash a few ice cubes and put them in
  3. I put a washing up bowl filled with cold wateer and a few bricks inside and the ferrets jump in get cooled off n jump out
  4. https://amp.theguardian.com/global/2018/jun/26/pet-food-is-an-environmental-disaster-are-vegan-dogs-the-answer
  5. Cose they'd jack on the first outing.... Haha if your after toothed qaurry regular you wouldn't own any of the above crosses for that job but I'm sure the odd one of any cross will just not in the same numbers of terrier based lurchers.
  6. That's wrong a dogs digestive system differs from a wild wolf by about 1 %. Dogs are carnivores we are omnivores big difference in what our diets should be. And I don't see how your bit on dogs sniffing ass n rolling in shit has to do with anything
  7. I guess what you call lurcher work is rabbits the odd hare and a few roe now that's real testing hahahaha
  8. And why would that be? Do you think wheaten is not needed too or are you only anti bull x
  9. I know some people eat Racoon over there do you feed the meat to the dogs?
  10. I like them topper what % of outcross blood?
  11. I still walk down the roads when out lamping fields either side with a lurcher and lamp and most don't care odd one shouts out " oii I'm calling police" I just laugh and carry on police take about 20 minutes to arrive by that time I'm on the next place ?
  12. My dogs have eaten the worst stuff you can imagine rotting seagulls at the beach and rats more times than I can remember and have been none the worse for wear. Meat that is fit for human consumption is more than safe for dogs. They say in that article it can make your dog Ill or whatever if so find a case of a dog becoming ill after raw meat. I wouldn't be surprised if these scientists investigations was funded by dry dog food company's as they are realising more people ( pet owners and working dog owners) are converting to raw. As for the fella at the bottom saying there is no proof some dog
  13. Not true mate regarding putting dogs at risk they are more then capable of killing all bacteria from meat after all they are carnivores. However your kids can catch stuff off meat if fed in doors and dog dragging meat over the floor but just feed it outside
  14. Nice mixture of colours there shh I wonder how many will come with rough caot
  15. Sad to hear my first ferret got out and got sqaushed by a car so know how ya feel mate
  16. Is that bitch 3/4 spaniel 1/4 terrier
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