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Everything posted by Busher100

  1. No the dog would go off hunting not giving 2 fuks if you got eye contact or what, some dogs will only listen to a firm hand a bit of eye contact when they really want something is not a deterant not in the slightest for a headstrong working type dog but maybe a pet it would work on
  2. Not true a headstrong dog that's got other things on his mind won't be coming to you because you looked him in the eye.
  3. Might be a bit of a long shot but I'm on the look out for another terrier either a well bred terrier pup or would pay good money for one that's already working, got plenty of work I'm not fussed what type it is or if its a dog or bitch will travel anywhere atb lads
  4. Seen some small jills but to think they'd fit through a ring would be silly unless you got extra fat fingers.
  5. Of course it's a staff pitbulls are illegal don't you know
  6. Reverse 3/4 Wheaten mate or 3/4grey ? Nice type either way
  7. So is he supposed to grieve for his injured pup when he could be finding work for another dog? ?
  8. Any one considering a pup from a show bedlington wants to give their head a shake, imagine how someone would get slated on here if they said they were usimg a show staff to produce bull xs. Isn't beddy supposed to add coat and fire? If it's from a poodle lookalike I doubt it's gonna be adding either ?
  9. Meanest looking saluki x I ever seen
  10. Still just as lost as I was 5 minutes ago but okay.......
  11. Who's this old man that likes younger girls??
  12. Did you know either owner or dogs?
  13. So you went out with some good lads who presumably had some decent dogs, and your dog out of a old mongrel and a Hancock dog was miles better? ? maybe you thought he was so good because you owned him and was attached to it? What could the dog do that others couldn't? Pm if you prefer
  14. All them pics are in darcys strongdog book good book I liked it, where any of them dogs owned by you carloviian
  15. Fair enough mate i wouldnt comment on a dog I never seen but I think we can both agree if you get a heavy bull x you will catch less than it's racier counterpart assuming both dogs in question are game, I have racier dogs to do the f+d still young yet mind, I only have this reverse 5/8 for one thing if I wanted 1 dog for everything I wouldn't of got her and I think most people who buy a dog that's over half bull aren't worrying about how fast it's going to be
  16. I've seen racey 5/8 3/8 and same x heavy as any half x, but when I said heavy bull xs I mean half x and over, trimming a dog down might make it a bit faster but it won't turn a heavy dog into a speed machine
  17. I could catch 90% of that quarry, if you want something that can catch f+d consistently you wouldn't own a heavy bull x in the first place
  18. I'm not saying she's going to be a fast type but she will be more than fast enough for her quarry, just saying they not as slow as some would have you think and she is still just a 8 month pup and will only get faster
  19. Not saying they do, seen dogs with less than 1/4 bull as hard as a half x it's just what you like I suppose
  20. Obviously for the job you'd have a reverse 3/4 for you wouldn't really be to bothered about speed and neither am I the but she's not as slow as I thought
  21. I have a reverse 5/8 bitch 8 months old she caught her first rabbit other say ferretting so not as slow as you'd think
  22. Nice drawing that mate, what was the dog like? Worth taking the time to draw a picture of? ?
  23. If your brother in laws coming over does that mean the anti is your sister or have I got this wrong? If so I'd pts mate?
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