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Everything posted by Busher100

  1. Dogs nose is average mate but he will range out a little bit trying to put stuff up but his nose isnt anything exceptional but good enough he marks anything to ground
  2. Full on mate very confident dog had a feral on the farm already by accident didn't bat an eyelid, what's yours like
  3. Hes 23 mate and been there since 8 months can't see him getting taller
  4. Ginger beard posted pics of him on the bull whippet thread today I don't know how to put up pictures mate
  5. That's him there ringo his name very switched on done a feral already by accident, litter brother to jetros bitch
  6. Be a good little team for ya next season I bet
  7. Strange how people still call the bull headed mongrels pitbulls when in fact they are not pitbulls at all
  8. I think that's were it goes wrong for the real pitbulls any old mutt with a big head bites someone they label It 'pitbull attack' when in fact the dog is not a pitbull at all and has about as much in common with a real pitbull as I do
  9. Not in that game myself but weren't zebo and bullyson known man biters?
  10. Any bully type dog the media are quick to label pitbulls, just because it looks like the public stereotype of a pit bull does not make it a pitbull
  11. Some like a ferret that will kill and stay with them so you can dig them out I only keep ferrets that will bolt them and if they won't bolt kill them and move on
  12. Okay regardless of how classic they are bet they be classic jackers when pushed on more than edibles and odd fox I'd love a day out next season to be proved wrong ?
  13. Yeah she's doing okay thanks mate not done anything serious yet young still had half a dozen rabbits with her all daytime I'll do a post with some pics August time once she's been started mate atb
  14. Suppose depends what you think of as 'classic' personally a heavy saturated collie dog springs to mind but im sure your collie deerhoundys are more so ayy morton ?
  15. Regardless of the fact wether or not it looks classic if it does job does it matter?
  16. That's a okay terrier but be better if it had it's coat clipped then gently hand stripped, ears plucked and ass waxed ? atb mate
  17. What has jumping out of a helicopter in seven sisters got to do with Caesar x ruby pups ? ?
  18. Read it again I to said I doubt it would not be an allround rabbit dog because it would lack speed on fast ground
  19. If you re read the other fella said allround RABBIT dog not all rounder but I would have to agree that a dog 7/8 collie isn't going to be catching many rabbits on fast ground
  20. And I still stand by what I said about that dog and I'll bet you money if you test your rabbit dog a bit more you will soon see it is infact 'Shit shit' ?
  21. Thread is called opinions on Norfolk lurchers and I gave my opinion based on the only one I seen, all the ads for them i seen are aimed at pet folk with the romantic idea of owning the 'traditional lurcher'. The dog you posted the picture of with a coat on looks like it's not seen nothing face clean as a whistle but like I say if it's just rabbits/ small edibles they'll do the job but if you want a bit more from a dog I'll bet you money your pet bred lurcher will sicken. Do you keep trying to quote me because your still mad you couldn't find that kc reg digging beddy that you said are all over
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