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Everything posted by Busher100

  1. Threads about bull whippets not minshaws but you lot crack on
  2. Yeah there’s actually someone on here who owns one
  3. You can’t judge one based on build i had a small heavy 22 inch reverse 5/8 bull bitch catch more fox than my 28inch much racier first cross dog, you can have all the the speed in the world you will still catch f**k all if the dog doesn’t have a running brain and learn to anticipate turns of qaurry and cover etc
  4. Exactly that mate the stud is 21 inch and a rocket his sire was a fair size at 24 so the odd dog might throw as big as that but a 21 or 22 inch bitch be plenty for me if they have the build for it, the bitch is 19 inch and a good working bitch very athletic I like her anyway
  5. Yeah I’ve owned a few bull whippets myself mate out of good stuff and I liked them I just thought they could do with a bit more top end if possible for retrieving foxes but otherwise I liked them and I thought maybe using a non ped racing type will make a bit of difference, maybe not but I’m gonna give it ago it’ll still be useful even if using the non ped blood don’t make difference
  6. I don’t expect greyhound pace out of it but a dog that can turn with its qaurry and close a gap if needed which the bull whippets out of kc pure whippet types usually do, with a bit of luck I’ll get what I’m after but they could end up with the same problem we shall see
  7. If they lack pace they’ll still have their uses aslong as keen for the job which these types usually are like you said, but i was hoping using a non ped whippet would put more speed into them considering a non ped whippet is a whippet x greyhound basically and a good few strides in front of a kc working type it be interesting to see if they come out any better for running
  8. That’s dog I’m using grand sire his mother is out of bigland boy and a staff bitch they was bred by black staff some on here might remember bred back to a 24 inch non ped whippet scratch dog so he be 3/4 non ped whippet 1/4 staff
  9. Any one bred or owned the same x ? I’ve owned a few bull whippets out of kc whippets but they just lacked a few yards for lamping if ya wanted a decent catch rate but were handy dogs daytime bushing, out with ferrets terriers , my bull bitch is due to be bred to a dog that’s out of bigland boy lines in a couple days fingers crossed she takes
  10. I just knew you were the man to ask tbh should of not bothered with the thread and just pmd you
  11. Pm me for his ped if interested
  12. Dunno if it’s any good to anyone I have a very well bred bull dog here big dog 21 inch 60lbs if anyone has a greyhound bitch I just want 1 bitch pup off him atb
  13. Get well soon mate get yourself a little bushing Russell mate will keep ya company for the rest your days and get you out for a short walk here and there
  14. I’ve had 4 only 1 was good 3 were only fox I’d stick to black or white terriers
  15. I tend to keep any digging type terrier on a lead unless at the beach or somewhere as pups not worth the risk losing them chasing rabbits if you want a small dog for bushing rabbits get a cocker makes it easy for you.
  16. The sire looks a good one what’s the bull blood behind him?
  17. It’s a fine dog but pull ya tongue out
  18. People usually get sentimental with any animal they’ve put the hours into if you can’t cut your loses with a bad un you’ll have a kennel full of shit before you get one that’s decent atb whatever your decision it’s your dog
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