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Everything posted by Busher100

  1. That’s my only dog ? search my flat all they like won’t find anything there? hopefully they think theyve took my dog and now I’m outta action
  2. Okay sir you stick with your whippet that does a few rabbits n rats??, what a joker how can you have the cheek to comment on me when that’s what’s what your dealing with allow it mate I still have a headache from trying to get my head round that banger fellas bollocks
  3. Any doubters that can prove they are genuine more then Welcome to stop running they mouth and watch them in action
  4. I’m not that bad in the flesh I promise ?
  5. Any sort of a man ??I’m still a boy but a boy with better dogs than you so it’s a sticky one for ya? none the less you too are invited on the social walk next season with your boyfriend if you and your dogs are up for it ?
  6. Aww he’s trying to get personal now because I called him out on his show dog ??how about this then if ya ever down south come over for a “social walk” with your dogs I can’t wait to see em go? there owned by one the best (remember you said it) ?and as for being a turnip I’d rather be a turnip then a grass trying to get me banned pffft ?big man like you one the best? trying to get a little turnip like me kicked off a online forum proper Madness mate?
  7. Ohh here comes pet boys bum buddy? Please disclose What dogs you own before you try get onto me your more then likely just another sausage with a show dog or jacker ?
  8. Okay pal your one the best you’ve beaten me I rest my case I’m a jacker and my dogs are all shit and I talk shit good day pet boy ? if mods would like to block me feel free it don’t exactly take a genius to make a new account
  9. Don’t have Facebook sir sorry to disappoint ?
  10. Not that it matters what it’s feet look like it don’t use em for running anything?
  11. Nooo don’t be silly I’m having a right good time
  12. You know you ain’t serious when your talking up a staff that will work cover and mugged the odd squatting hare? next season if your ever in Kent drop me a pm I’ll take terrier out I won’t even try get ya to dig would love to see the show dog bark at one ? and if you still thinks he’s right tough I’m sure Chucky my wheaten dog would set him right quick enough ??
  13. Yep definitely me cose I’m real scared of you bunch of plonkers pffft don’t make me laugh mate why would I need a new account to post on here?
  14. A staff doing a bit of fetch does not make it good and if the dog doesn’t even wanna chase it’s shit get rid get another my option most people are too soft and end up with a load of shitters Then they make excuses and lie for because they are attached to their pets.
  15. So your Hinting your still at it ? the saluki x that won’t even chase must of really racked up a tally this season!!! only on thl ?enough banter I best go check ones wires you know me summer hunter and all that ? adios amigos ?
  16. Ohh righteo old chum top notch bushing staff is it?????I understand now you have top dogs (cose your one one the best remember you said it?) but you chose to put a pic up of your pet dog instead on a hunting forum ?that’s real understandable? you won’t have to worry about having ya dogs took cose your a good boy going on about flipping on a copper but you’ve not the balls to work your dogs because of them and if you did have the balls to work them still you wouldn’t own a pet saluki and a Show staff reel it in mate don’t try letting on you was the mega hunter cose you had a decent coursing dog
  17. Dragon driving don’t make me laugh mate that’s where ya get pet dogs like yours ? you can’t go on about 1 decent dog that’s dead what do you own now that’s worth mentioning? f**k all a show staff and a jacking saluki x behave mate my lungs are hurting I been laughing that much ?
  18. So You owned a well bred dog In the legal days now it’s not you’ve jacked and keep pets. A saluki X that won’t even chase and a show bred staff and your one the best? Don’t make me laugh mate ???
  19. Games tits up or you ain’t got the bollocks to take the risks? Go take ya show staff and non chasing saluki x for a “nice social walk” plonker ?
  20. I really feel for ya picking up the shit from a pair of shitters everyday ? a “nice social walk” was it????? your a dreamer mate who owns a pet staff and pet saluki x then posts them on a hunting forum I’m getting abit paranoid you sure you ain’t PC fletcher? ? much love treacle ?
  21. What idiot Goes on about there show bred pet staff on a hunting forum leave it out pet boy ?
  22. That’s me ? your up early ya shit the bed again?
  23. I know I know the kids of today ayy no manners ?
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