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stone rose

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Everything posted by stone rose

  1. if your talkin about clive A he owned seagull and sold her to c nuttal
  2. foxy was joe x seagull joe was lilly merlin seagull was fred x eve its all in them threads mentioned and hundreds of pages in the seagull threads will give you all the info on them lines and many more
  3. no charlie w owned him charlie put him to jeff smiths fly to produce merlin
  4. theres write ups on the hoover on here mate should give you all the imfo you need or the thread on swoop and her offspring ace would be 20 year old if still alive i bred him outa swoop
  5. there was a dog called ace swoop x dels luke hoover was swoops grandfarther he was bred in kent and sold as a pup to some lads in barnsly who had him till he died he was full litter brother to duke who you can see run on utube thhere wer six in that litter all very good animals
  6. if you dont mind a fight youll be alright out there they dont mess about
  7. was me mate got one out of him
  8. i asked how he was bred on another thread aint seen a reply
  9. digger would be my choice followed by nero depending on breeding of the bitch
  10. lovely strong pup cocker top breeding hope he makes a champ
  11. hes strong like the father nice dog mate wats the mothers breeding
  12. dont no how fettle was bred mate but i tried to get hold of craigs snowey after she killed on a match one day bitch didnt no me nearly took me hand off me own fault
  13. i see fettle run craigo on the fen dead of jan 3 from 3 top bitch
  14. my first proper courseing dog was a bitch called sooty three quartar saluki greyhound 32 year ago matched the melehes tiny with her drew 3 a piece they didnt want to run on dont think you ever lose the memrys of a real good dog was goin to put her to merlin but got knocked down ended up buyin swoop a few months latter she wernt to bad a bitch either
  15. ive given taste of the wild ago bitch loves it from bein a bad grubber perfect now used akela for about 4 mounths great stuff to just thought id give her a change me puppys on origen very good aswell no complaints or probs with any of these
  16. ne might no mate he usually spot on id text him but hes lost phone again lol
  17. my older bitch is as fussy as it gets she tuned her nose up at it at first i had some cans of sardines here tiped the oil over it woofed it down over a week hardly any oil and shes eating perfect just add fish now and then might be worth a shot mate this particular bitch has even walked away from raw
  18. wasnt aimed at you mate just in general people moan about a few quid thats all i ment
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