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Everything posted by Wardy

  1. I bought a roughneck demolition bar for dismantling pallets, makes life a lot easier and they're only about 20 quid. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Thanks for the replies, I've been looking through the secondhand ads for something local and had a few rifles short listed. I happened to mention to a colleague I was after a rifle turns out his son was selling his bsa ultra due to lack of use. It came in well under budget so the wife's happy as well. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  3. Thanks for all the replies, I'll start looking through gun trader at your suggestions. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. I'm after a new air rifle, I'd like a multi shot pcp but have a budget of £500. I already have charging kit, moderator and scope/mounts. I'd prefer to buy new so I'm not buying someone else's problems. Any recommendations greatly appreciated. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Moser Max 45. I think they're about 120quid but are worth the money, I've had mine for 6 or 7 years and have so far worked perfectly. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  6. I use euro Joe flexi life platinum on my two German shepherds one of which has severe arthritis. I can't rate this stuff highly enough. http://www.vonwolfshop.co.uk/flexi-life-platinum-901-p.asp Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  7. Non acidic very cherry wheel cleaner from www.autobritedirect.co.uk Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  8. I get a prescription from the vet for about 10quid then buy the advocate from hyperdrug.co.uk They sell it for less than my vet can buy it for. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  9. Indirect cook them on the bbq, put your hot coals as far to one side of the bbq as you can and put your meat on the other side and cook with the lid down. It works a treat, I often do big joints of meat and racks of ribs like this. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  10. Your no suppose to use any disinfectant that turns white when added to water near ferrets rings a bell ? Yep I read the same somewhere, I think it's something to do with phenols?
  11. I was on guntrader the other night looking for a BSA ultra and noticed a few super 10's for sale at around the 300 quid mark. They appear to be a lot of rifle for the money, would they be a worthwhile buy or am I better sticking to my original plan and buying an ultra?
  12. Hi haven't seen a 3ltr but godive.net do a 4ltr stubby bottle
  13. It looks like most of your questions have been answered but I found this a good book when I first got ferrets http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Complete-Guide-to-Ferrets-James-McKay-Paperback-Book-/141911999765?hash=item210a9d4515:g:rTUAAOSwe7BWzRQ3
  14. I've got 2 springers, 1 of which would struggle to find its own arse let alone anything else. The other 1 we got early December, she's 14 months and is naturally good at retrieving so I'm going to have a play around and see what I can get her to do. Dog training is new to me so it'll be YouTube, books and asking stupid questions on here. The plan with the air rifle is mainly rabbit control during the warmer weather then it'll be on to the ferreting later in the year. Oh and trying to get rid of the bloody rats that are getting fat off my bird seed.
  15. I was always told by my vet that any kitten wormers / flea stuff were safe to use on ferrets
  16. Hi I'm starting back with air rifle shooting and ferreting after a break of a few years, I've just moved to the sticks and been lucky enough to be given access to plenty of land.
  17. Well there's nothing like making a grand entrance by asking the inevitable newbie k**bhead question. Thanks for the replies. I've only ever shot .22 so having a few opinions on which to buy before I part with my hard earned can't do any harm.
  18. I'm investing in an air rifle after a break from shooting for a few years, I've got access to plenty of land over run with rabbits and a couple of barns for a bit of ratting. I really like the look of the BSA ultra multi shot but unsure to go for a .177 or .22. What would be my best option?
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