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About asd83

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  1. I know of 2 places with these mounds. my old bitch missed on a strike 1 morning, and me being annoyed started kicking 1. (I must have been a sight) they where 100s of ant hills. 1 place has more hills on the south facing side for some reason
  2. I use drontal oral suspension, 1ml to 1kg. And fair play this puppy is as fat as butter.
  3. My old springer bitch would never stand 4 a dog. I tried a few in her younger days, I even took her 2 a well known stud dog with no luck, so gave up on the idea. Anyway how my brother in laws cocker got on her. £1000 quid later, 6 weeks [BANNED TEXT] crimbo she was rushed in for a c section. She did deliver 3 but couldn't push out the last 4. 6.1/2 she was, will never get caught like tha again
  4. My first lurcher got caught a few times on the dreaded barbed wire. I decided never to teach her daughter to jump. She lost a fair bit through not jumping. My old bitch will jump anything or try n go through it in full flight lol. But my lamping bitch got caught on a double fence early last season and jumping is now out the window. Thought see would be fine this season, but so far it's been a nightmare. I'm now stuck between a rock n a hard place atb
  5. Broke through to her a good few times, seen her mother go 2. Both where good stamps of dog. Atb
  6. Is that jj's old bitch Tina u had off him dan??
  7. Last season I bought a new kit for the team. A wild polecat was caught in a box trap, And put 2 this guys ferret. The darkest kits me and my [BANNED TEXT] have ever seen. Between me and the kids she was played with at least twice a day. Never again!!! The slightest noise it would hiss bite. Out ferreting it would try and attack the dogs. And far 2 fast killing in on a regular basis. So u can keep you eu crosses
  8. Hey, Just a few quick words. I was often finding my self reading posts off THL, so 1 night my mrs passed me the phone and said... "your on there now". so here I am. Im from s-wales. I enjoy day time mooching. From ferreting, to bushing. But could never be without a lamp and battery... I had my first dog and ferret in 1996, and that was probably the last time I only had just the 1 dog. All the best
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