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Everything posted by DeerHunter65x

  1. Pain is a very effective training tool. In fact it's used by mother wolves to teach pups, when they don't listen they get a painful nip on the neck. The being said, you shouldn't abuse your power, because having a good bond with your dog really goes a long way. I have an American Akita, one of the most stubborn breeds of dog in existence, and have done a very good job training her using a pinch collar. Training with treats or praise doesn't work with some breeds. If your dogs breed is highly trainable or bred for hunting, you probably won't need to apply any pain based training t
  2. I haven't gotten any with liver fluke, but definitely with ticks. If you live in a tick infested area, and they get you while hunting I have a good trick. Use "diatomaceous earth", it's a powdery substance that ticks hate, it cuts into their exo-skeleton and dries them out (it takes a while for them to die but they will not crawl on you). Pat it all over your clothing and on your hunting dogs, it keeps ticks at bay. All the anti-tick sprays I've seen are extremely bad for your health.
  3. I use the mossy oak fold out bone saw from walmark, it was around $15. very good quality.
  4. Hey everyone, I love hunting and am glad to see many in this forum do as well, what a great place, I'm really exited to be a member. Anyway, see you all around the forums, looking forward to sharing some crazy hunting stories with everyone.
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