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Everything posted by wag

  1. do u hunt ?????? i was brought up to hunting,,,,,and i seen lurcher guys ,,,somtimes can be the worst for this,,,,,lev dogs in kennel,,,,too WHEN THEY DECIDE TO GO OUT ,,,,,amazing that ,,,isnt it AND may i might add,,,,LURCHER GUYS LOVE THERE PUPPIES,,,till they grow up,,,then they cant be assed (left in kennel to rott ) ive cutted more rabbits , caught and shot more hares ,,,,than most folk ,,,,killed foxes ,,snared shot or caught,,,,,tooken more roe than most ducks/pheasents/ patrige/ piegeons/ weasels/ stoats/rats///the list goes on and on,,than i care to remeber what lurc
  2. wag

    Name that film

    here is one for you .. excellent steven is my name ???
  3. ye so im lead to believe .All he has to do now is get off his lazy arse and arrange the transport the time it has taken him already to sort transport out ,he could have walked here and fetched it and back with it on a lead
  4. great read john and 2 nice shot's well done ......
  5. here is a link to the comp in the young hunters section , i have pinned it in that section , i am aslo going to pinn it in genral talk .. its for a good cause and thanks to john for having the idea to encourage the young hunters to get out and take part . well done john ...young hunters comp
  6. well done john thats very good of you to encourage the young hunters to get and take part in some country sports ... thread pinned great stuff john
  7. wag


    the cold weather ban will be on both the fore shore and inland, there is a link on another thread in the wildfowling section click on it and it will tell you all you need to know about the ban ....
  8. thats top stuff from you sounder jnr , it looks like he has come on alot ray from when i see him do his grading while over with you . i remember his tutor had high hopes for jnr .... is rachel still doing it ??? well done big man .. lassie you need to take a chil pill, jnr had it all in hand and was kicking ass lol all your children are a credit to you both well done guys ..
  9. well done lads it looks like you had some great sport, its nice to here the young dogs did very well also ... i here sounder has another pup coming scent, its being sent over from a fat lad in england top stuff lads
  10. what estuaries are you wanting to shoot in scotland ?? , you do need some permits for some estuaries or some parts of a estuary .......in scotland ... you gan get a permit scheme book from HERE
  11. this is the pup you was telling me about ben , he looks a little belter mate, just dont do to much with him mate there alot different to training a lurcher ...
  12. wag

    cold weather ban

    here is a link for all to see the cold weather ban starts on different days for england , scotland , northen ireland .... click me for up date on cold weather ban
  13. it was me who pulled it , i cleaned it up 3 times , when i first posted it , i asked to keep it just to ken and his stuff and no slagging off on it , it went well for a bit then it went the same way as any decent thread goes tits up ...when you get some lads going of topic and it turns into a slagging match ,if people could stop bitching and f*****g things up then alot more decent threads would stay but it never seems to happen .. there was some decent terrier lads who knew there stuff about gouldys stuff also smithy and was having there say about it , then things got heated and it we
  14. last year i put a wildfowling flight in the calendar auction , i cant remember who the winning bidder was , i can remember he was waiting for his SGC to come through and i said i would carry it over till febuary this year, but! i have not heard anything since , also i can remember they paid good money for it , so i feel it only right that i carry it over to this season for them , but there is a catch , i have my leg in plaster at the mo and i'm going to be out of action for a few weeks , so i ask that they wait till i'm on the mend .... so if anyone can remember who the winning bidder was
  15. well all i can say allen is be at mine in the morning and ile take you out lol , i have just had a couple of lads round for a cuppa after having flight tonight , just to rub the salt in the wounds they told me whats about at the mo, they have come off with there bad limits for the last 3 flights , so i am not having that , i am now going up to town first thing in the morning to see what i can get to cover my plaster and be water proof to .. and thats no joke so watch this space ...
  16. Can they still see the road, what I mean is do you not have snow? Just measured the depth of the snow today in our back garden and it was 19 inch deep and its still coming down. I would not fancy driving down your way with the dyke's and such if the snow is deep. How unsympathetic some people can be, pipping when going past a sick mans house not that bad here, roads all clear not saying we have not had snow , we have had some but not as bad as others 2ft of snow only 40 miles away and still coming down but not here , just got gail force winds now north eastly .. yes they are
  17. from the looks of that , that must of hurt when you did it , i'm still gutted i can't get down with this weather the way it is , i can see the lads going down the marsh passing my house and pipping ..
  18. hi, i went to riseholme collage many years ago , i did 2 years gamekeeper course there its a excellent collage with some great tutors , but like i said that was over 20 years ago so things could have changed .....
  19. born to be wild , a walk on the wild side ,but lipstick powder and paint is his life ....

  20. very nice write up allen , i know how you feel about wildfowling , i can remember the first time i was taken out fowling , the weather was like it is now , snow,and very cold , there was plenty of duck about at the time , the weather was perfect for fowling but at the time i was very , very green to fowling , i got stuck in a couple of big creeks on the way out to the front of frampton , my friend had to pull my waders out of the mud , i lost my socks also i was covered in mud from head to toe .. but that did not matter to me because i was out there and i was doing it, my friend shot 5
  21. hi sorry yes you have to be a member of basc for me to get you a day ticket .. i normally only use hens but thats just me ...
  22. top class that , i must say tho i tought him everything he knows
  23. have a look at the top of the wildfowling page .... there is a pinned topic on wildfowling if you live around the wash or you can travel , also a member of basc i could take you out for a flight .....
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