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Everything posted by wag

  1. wag

    new red tail

    very nice mate looks good but it looks like he aint to keen sat on your glove. good look with him mate keep us posted how you get on with him because im thinking of getting one next year regards wag
  2. wag

    my harris

    its going to be january mate its all sorted with the farmers .
  3. do you have a pay pal account so i can pay you like that . and how much p&p would it be to lincolnshire if you could find out please regards wag
  4. wag

    photos for turk

    here you go turk here is some photos taken at my front and back doors were i live
  5. hi ken welcome to the site wouldnt bother with a 10 /22 get a cz mate im all cz in a 22 .17hmr and a 22.250 and just getting a cz 270 mate carnt fault them value for money regards wag
  6. wag


    cracking bird there oz can see why you need a new glove with feet like that and another thing i like his mohican is it designer mate if it is i might get my harris done
  7. hi,nicola you have got two cracking dogs there the one in the top picture is the double of my boy nail hope you have a good season with them .good look regards wag
  8. wag

    advice wanted

    thanks turk will phone you tomorrow mate
  9. wag

    advice wanted

    hi ,now my harris has had a few kills on him i want to start him lamping. been talking to a few people who have told me different things . i have had some advice off arnie which has been helpful but i want to know more about it before i start because i dont want to ruin my bird or get him hurt in anway .so any help or advice would be much appreciated all sensible replies please . regards wag
  10. take a look at this theres loads of mallard and watch the yellow lab in the last 10 seconds of the film
  11. nice one mate cracking dog you got there all the best with him for the rest of the season regards wag
  12. its a black back segal there legal to shoot in england there is also 2 more mallard and 1 grey lag missing off the photos because we picked them after the photos was taken
  13. went shooting last saturday morning down at a friends of mine he owns two fishing lakes and a load of land around them. anyway i was there shooting last week but didnt get owt but saw loads of geese and ducks dropping on this stubble field which i knew he owned so i watched them and worked out where abouts i wanted to be for next weekend . knowing that i could not make it saturday (today) because i was going to the game fair so i arranged to go sunday morning .it was all arranged but due to some bad news in the family this week i could not go to the game fair, so i decided to go on the stubbl
  14. wag

    my harris

    no probs mate it will be nice to put a face to the name herd alot about you all good of course .
  15. :welcomeani: to the site mate hope you enjoy it regards wag
  16. wag

    tyson first kill

    nice one mate well done i like the bird he is a cracker regards wag
  17. wag

    my harris

    nice one bud pleased you got some thing im going to try him lamping in the next couple of weeks when he gets 2 or 3 more kills on him .just weighed him to fly him tonight but he is 1.7 3/8 lb so ithink he had a good crop up last night so i will not be flying him tonight phoned up about a redtail had a good chat so might be getting 1 quicker than i thought
  18. wag

    my harris

    went out with my harris tonight he had a couple of flights at partridge but nothing . then a farmer saw what we was doing so i stopped to talk to him ,he said it was amazing to see my harris flying like that and asked what else would he kill .when i told him that he would take rabbit he told me to go on all his land because he was over run with rabbit but i could also take game too so i couldnt thank him enough .so off we went to the bottom of his farm were he said there were lots of rabbits. got out the van had alook round it was real rough grass with trees round it ,perfect ,so i put him up
  19. jasper its your bus mate and im on it i love the the stuff mate even my kids eat it
  20. i use 3" winchester drylock steel for ducks no 4s cost about £12 a box of 25 or rio steel 3s at ducks cost £5 a box and for geese heavy shot 3 " no 4s cost £12 box of 10 but i know you will have trouble getting the drylock there isnt many about .
  21. well done mate the first photo is a cracker well done on the shooting too regards wag
  22. wag

    my male harris

    hi had another kill on a pigeon with my male harris yesterday he also had a couple a flights at rabbit but there is still to much cover about yet. the pigeon was bobbing its head up and down in the clover he flew from the fist when he saw it ,just got to the pigeon and it took off but it didnt get far as he nailed it about 3ft in the air so i am really pleased with him here is a couple of photos
  23. wag

    First Bird

    well done mate hope you have as much fun with him as i am with mine good look keep us all informed of his progess regards wag
  24. i would go for a 12 bore with 24grams cartridges thats how i started my boy off when he was 8, then you dont have to change the gun when he gets older and if your only going to spend £150 or lower you can cut the stock down .so when he gets older or bigger you can put the bit that you cut off back on to make it fit .
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