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Everything posted by wag

  1. NICE SHOOTING THAT MAN !!! the bottom one looks like a keeper for the pelt, is that a 223 or a 22/250, just judging by the blowout the rifle is a remi 243 with just a cheap scope on it for the moment ,the bullets i use are norma 57grain , when i first got the rifle , i had trouble finding a good round for it and was just about to give up on it and go back to a 22.250... then i had sounder , and sporting shooter over for a few days shooting , i told them about what trouble i had to find a good round that would hold a grouping they sorted it out for me .. i now have loads of
  2. if any member has a problem with another member being abusive to them or incorrect posting then hit the report button, or send a pm to one of the mods and it will !!! be sorted ASAP we do not ignore it plus we dont want it ... .... if we all post the correct way and within the law, then we have no need to worry , but occasionally you do get some small minded dimwit, who think they are the dogs bollocks and know evreything and it should be done there way only ... , i have no time for them .. i have been in the lamping for 20 years but shooting all my life , i still learn something
  3. here is just a few that i have shot this year in the snow
  4. easy to sort this kind of problem i would have thought, can the moderators not stop this activity and only allow one member per IP address unless they contact you to say that for example there son wants to join up from the same IP address and can assure that the site wont be used for the kind of activity you mention. hiluxmk3 Well said. The essence of the original post has been lost! Nice foxes though. dont worry it does get sorted , i was just saying what makes people tick when they have to do things like that they need to get out more , there is not alot get past us mods
  5. what gets me is why do people have 2 user names on here, then put a reply up in one user name then go and answer the own reply in there other username , thats just sad , i think some people need to get a f*****g life ......
  6. 100% correct.... i love the odd shot with the rifle myself so dont get me wrong but these rifle lads should try getting a suspicious fox within range for a dog... now thats skill are but they know its illegal to run foxes with dogs..... and to say it on a open forum for everyone to see ,there is not much skill in that is there .... you know the old saying ........ upstairs for thinking .......... down stairs for dancing ...........
  7. i was at his house the other week , he's still around.... still full of it lol !!!!
  8. i think you will find out that john has been around terriers alot longer than 2 years mate , by they looks of what you are saying , i would say you have got a problem with him , or your just on a wind up ..... good look with the show, shame i will miss this one do to family commitments
  9. i dont think you should be shooting geese on the 12th of this month....
  10. nice photo's rolfe , also nice shooting to , we also see the see the vulcan bomber on our way back from the EDRD show , i called in on some of my permisson to see if there was much about and it came straight over the top of us and banked right , it was a great site to see ...
  11. had a ride over today to the show, very good show and some very tidy dogs there too .. nice to see a well orgonised show ... will be there next year again with some sun tan cream ....
  12. it was a good show , i hope to see the lurchers back next year, after being away for a good few years , also a few different class in the terriers more for the black dogs .. well orgonised show, well done to the people who set it up ...
  13. wag


    steve , get intouch with chris green from basc , he lives in that part of the country........... or try here
  14. cecil beader mill


  15. i think i have said this before , if you shoot flight ponds or rivers that have fish in, then i would be aware of useing potatos, when they rot down they release acids into the water and cause polution which can kill the fish , so just make sure its ok with the farmer or the owner before you you use them it has happend to me before .. also using wheat or barley that has been treated with seed dressing could cause the same problem just making you aware guys of this
  16. Derbys a bit lacking in coastline !!!!!!! so you need coastline to go fowling do you?????? .. what about leicestershire wildfowlers club newark wildfowlers wilttlsy wildfowlers ely and district wildfowlers rocklands wildfowlers they have no coast costline ryan will you be able to travel a few miles ?? if so mate there are plenty of clubs about try looking on the basc website .. if you still have no joy send me a pm and we can sort something out ... Big difference between flighting and "proper" wildfowling but I'm not going to get into a daft arg
  17. i would say you would know the dogs, you have the same ip address as takman , so i'm guessing your the same person ..... but yes they are nice russels ....
  18. Derbys a bit lacking in coastline !!!!!!! so you need coastline to go fowling do you?????? .. what about leicestershire wildfowlers club newark wildfowlers wilttlsy wildfowlers ely and district wildfowlers rocklands wildfowlers they have no coast costline ryan will you be able to travel a few miles ?? if so mate there are plenty of clubs about try looking on the basc website .. if you still have no joy send me a pm and we can sort something out ...
  19. wheat , barley are the best i would say , if your trying to attract teal then barley but try and get hold of some grass seed if you can, we have a pond we feed grass seed and the teal go made for it and we have some good bags to . also only feed real shallow for teal because they can't dabble deep like mallard can .. try to get to feed every day and only use a good bucket full because mallard will eat as much as you put in .....
  20. what do you call a special dog then better still then lets have a look at yours if you got any dont think he has turk, he must have sold his dogs to get some new reebok classic's or some more gold ... chavs dont you just love um...
  21. lol dont forget about ricky he loved it for his dinner too .. it looked very nice ,we could have still eating it but i must say the indian was good , i hope we get a chance foxy to try it again soon ......
  22. top man simoman, im proud to have you as a friend, 100% genuine bloke . have a good trip mate see you when you get back .......

  23. see there is everyone thinking it was a joke and it was not ... well simo , foxy ,i hope you both will be very happy , when me and the wife came over the other evening for tea and we were all sat talking for 2half hours waiting for the cottage pie , and see the way you were together, we could see you were good for each other, well done we are both very happy for you ..... ps, simo one piece of advice tho mate, before you get married get her some cooking lessons
  24. foxy what ever do you mean , i thought this was a happy time in simomans life and that he should share it with the world , he did go all funny today when we passed a certain public toilet tho , he grabbed his saint christopher and was saying no i must not, i'm a changed man for the good ,i love my wife to be...
  25. congratulations simoman and foxyjo on your engagement , after being on his own for so long and batting for the other side and stretching a few young men back passages, foxyjo got him turned back with her lovely home made cottage pie and loving ways , i was talking on the phone to foxyjo just a hour ago, she said it has been a hard fought battle to get him turned back ... she said, she made him burn all his dirty men mags down the garden which reduced him to tears, she has had to hide out in the car at night many times to stop him curb crawling for young men for his own pleasure , bu
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