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Everything posted by Motorhead

  1. LOL Yeah its an option with Leanne but not one I'll go with. The winner is...Plummer Terrier Has everything I'm looking for, just that wee bit bigger than a JR and chunky like a staff and by all accounts great at nailing rats. And a lovely looking dog! Magic, just need to build the house now, and find somewhere to buy one or two of these fantastic looking dogs in the summer hopefully.
  2. Thanks for the welcome! My Irish Staffy "Rogue" is such a hard act to follow. I showed my misses a few pics of lurchers and lets say she wasnt keen, she's all for getting two beagles or another Irish Staff. Ive added red lakeland to my list to consider
  3. Hi, Looking for some help with "country stuff" I'm renovating a country cottage with a history of rats, I have lived in the country before but this house is very rural. The house is stripped to the bare walls no floors or roof at the moment, no rats in the house at present but plenty mice, I have seen rats maybe 50m from the house crossing the track Im looking to build the wee buggers out of the house and get a terrier to keep the numbers down around the area, fields all round and a stream which runs next to the house. I've have no dogs at the moment, my last was an Irish Staffy. My w
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