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Everything posted by Plucky1

  1. There seems to be a lot of anger on the terrier section these days, the thread was about docking but it seems only patterdale owners can make any comment,LOL's, the section is being fecked by the same old bully boys ganging up,if you want a closed forum why not start one up, this section has been poor for a while because every post gets trolled unless you are in the little "clique", its a shame as there are many that I'm sure would contribute given a fair chance, many of the old decent lads have been driven off by "no-marks" with little or no knowledge of terrierwork, I spoke to a few of the b
  2. Hagen, sorry for the crabbers coming on, we have the same old gang on the wind up every time somebody posts, I hope your thread gets back on track, WM
  3. These are plummers and not patts or bulls, for a Plummer it is perfect breed standard, WM
  4. No mate, I was the one that keeps getting reported,WM
  5. Is that you getting some free publicity wirrel man Must be a litter due. My own line??? Ffs They are Brian plumbers creation. Shows what poor knowledge you have of working terriers and they are spelt Plummers, what you see can't lie,WM
  6. Same old knockers driving everybody away from posting,every litter has been a stepping stone on improving what is already out there,those that take the time would realise the many health problems that have stacked up in this breed or type due to inbreeding to one or two overused stud dogs, this cannot be said of my line as they are "unique" and miles away from anything already out there in my opinion and yes mary and king I breed health issue free Plummer terriers,so I would say that is bettering the breed, none are registered or shown and are bred for working as they were originally intended,
  7. As you all know I breed "REDLINE" Plummer terriers, probably 2 litters a year for the past 5 yrs or so, my vet docks and dew claws for a tenner a pup and I have to say its the best money I spend, I have had the RSPCA at my door from pups I sold to lads in Swansea,Liverpool and Scotland, its easy for me as I just give them his name and address,phone number,etc and thats the end of it, like the rest of you boys I docked my own since the late 70's without any problems to the pups but its just not worth taking a chance for the small amount it costs getting it done properly, the only issue I have h
  8. Socks,I had a bitch that lost a lot of weight due to being in plaster and like you say it was dangling loose when the dressings came off,I honestly thought that I should of shot her and felt gutted seeing it hanging useless but after a couple of months she was pretty much back to both condition and weight,I know you will take things steady and have the knowledge and experience to give her the best chance,good luck and try not to rush things,WM
  9. There are decent digging borders still about in Wales I've been out with a few, they can be a bit moody some of them but they will get the job done,WM
  10. you are lucky to have a caring grandad teaching you the right way,enjoy your time shooting but a good education will see you in a good job that will in turn reward you with the money and time to pursue your shooting, good hunting Little Hunter, WM
  11. I have a greek one the same as that on the wall in case of intruders,LOL's,WM
  12. I had our meters read a couple of weeks ago and the meter reader was telling me not to get the new smart meters fitted as they are the same as the ones in the USA and have been linked to lots of illness's,apparently they emit radiation and you cannot read them from outside as they tell you, I will not be getting them fitted, you are legally within your rights to refuse them, your only obligation is to have a meter,it doesn't matter what type, WM
  13. Always sorry to hear when an "old warrior" has gone but she's left her mark carrying on the line,the youngsters just need time and work to step into those "big footprints" she's left behind, I know how much you've put into breeding the best terriers you can and its clear by the lads on here's response that you are respected for that, "good luck" with your youngsters in the future, I think each time we lose a good one they take a little piece of us with them but its chin up and carry on,R.I.P Blade, WM p.s. at least you don't need them blood tests now......
  14. I would of thought you would be showing signs of jaundice,run down feeling shit,etc,lumps under your arms,sounds like your vet is in overkill mode and looking to justify the bill for drips and antibiotics,overnight stays, I was sent by my doctor in the ,s after falling ill the day after a ratting trip on a particularly bad tip,the hospital never had a clue how to test me and had to look it up in a large medical book,good luck with everything,WM
  15. Hello matt,Seen IAN the other day running his whippet cross,still got a good turn of speed on him,I can almost feel the heat off that burner,LOL,s,best seat in the house,good hunting,WM
  16. I am still very old school,only jab my dogs as pups as by the time they are due a booster they have all been bit to feck by all manner of vermin,some of the farms I go on are worse than tips,vet told me years ago that the bites will give them antibodies to rats,fox,etc, I have never lost a dog to disease in 45yrs but it is something to consider if it is a new strain,1 of my bitches was off colour for a couple of days this week but is okay again now,I hope your bitch recovers fully and is back at it soon,good luck,WM
  17. What a lovely pup and looks to still have a bit of growing left yet, good luck with it,WM
  18. What dogs are you using ?? nice to see a few pics of your terriers,WM
  19. LOL,s I think somebody has a little crush on TH,hero worship it seems,,its a laugh this place at times,have you seen the state of the skinny little druggy,no teeth in his head lol,s he looks about 70yrs old !!! I am simply defending myself from him trolling my every post , the factual content of your posts are laughable in the extreme and will at least give the lads something to laugh at that know us both, I can see a civil partnership ahead for you 2 LOL,s WM
  20. . This is the sort of shit that is typical of sheep like yourself,you only know the lies that have been said on here,yet again nothing factual,LOL,sWM
  21. that's genetics for you,if a gene pool gets too tight or close you can get sexual dismorphism where the dogs become large and the bitches get smaller and weaker,temperament will also suffer and dogs become more aggressive,you also produce more males than females in every litter ,Plummer tried to alleviate this by adding a bull outcross,a breed known for producing similar sized progeny, with little difference in size,etc,between males and females,the problem with doing that is it then takes a few generations to downsize your terriers to something that can work to ground again,you can just strik
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