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Everything posted by Plucky1

  1. Hello Bill mate, I just thought it had run its course and covered all I wanted, many thanks to those that took the time to post and contribute to the thread, WM
  2. I think its "one mans meat is another mans poison", we keep what we like and so long as they are well cared for thats all that matters, all types of terriers have been discussed on these threads that is what its there for, you can knock Plummer as much as you want but he was an expert on genetics and if somebody is thinking of starting a new line or breed/type then it pays to know what to expect, "knowledge is power", ignorance will breed you nothing of note, if anybody fancies reading up on genetics there are a few good reads, I bought "Practical Dog Breeding and Genetics" by Eleanor Franklin
  3. Len, I was as green as grass when I bred that first litter and I would say that I was also lucky with the outcome, there were only lads that worked terriers back in the 60's or 70's and I don't ever recall seeing any of the known breeds of terrier as a pet, lads that worked them were in a very small minority and the only lads you met worked them hard, there were no terrier shows as there weren't any game fairs,etc, so I'd say the percentages % of breeding a worker were stacked in my favour, barring something genetic like "cleft palette", some were too hard for my liking and were moved on to la
  4. So if they work like a russel but noses are exceptional, are you say russels have shit noses? No, I have owned a few with decent noses but the Plummer being bred through the beagle certainly has better scenting ability on a live hot trail, WM So basically adding beagle brought nothing a digging terrier needs as all digging terriers have good noses otherwise the wouldn't find there quarry underground So you are saying any improvement in nose is not a positive step ?? so every terrier you have seen worked did so on scent because I have been out with quite a few lads whose terriers
  5. why don't you do that with the plummers you have that's like the russels How do you mean len, there are already Russells as a known breed and Plummers carry bull/patterdale/beagle in their parentage, I used to breed a line of these for a good many years and they were like peas in a pod, all good earth dogs, WM scans.jpg scans 005.jpg Much were they a pup!!! the bitches were always pre-booked by terrier man that were involved with a
  6. why don't you do that with the plummers you have that's like the russels How do you mean len, there are already Russells as a known breed and Plummers carry bull/patterdale/beagle in their parentage, I used to breed a line of these for a good many years and they were like peas in a pod, all good earth dogs, WM
  7. So if they work like a russel but noses are exceptional, are you say russels have shit noses? No, I have owned a few with decent noses but the Plummer being bred through the beagle certainly has better scenting ability on a live hot trail, WM
  8. Neil, having met Plummer and spoken to him myself he was a egotistical maniac only interested in fame and money, conceited and he was always right, we laughed when he said he was after calling a dog after himself thinking he was being rather bigheaded and a dreamer, for someone that had never really done anything in the way of hunting he relied too heavily on others to test his dogs, he was only interested in fame and talk shows,films,etc, he was always seen as a crank and even attending terrier shows he would cause controversy with his outrageous comments and boasts, Plummers are only a type
  9. F.D. has come closest on the outcross and explaining worker/worker problem, you can witness the best working terrier ever and yet bred to good other known workers still produces sh*te, these dogs have been scatter bred in the way most have (unknown lineage), but breeding 2 terriers of known lineage (at least 4/5 generations) and work ethic is the better option everyday, the percentage of workers is much higher, most lads that introduce an outcross to a known line have already split a line with an outcross a couple of generations back and kept either a dog or bitch to breed off later,so the per
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