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Everything posted by Plucky1

  1. Northernlite, Iworkwhippets and Katchum, this has to be the best thread on here, thanks for the entertainment, I've been pissing myself laughing reading through this, Socks, its each to their own mate, I love to see a good pic, I look through mine regular and many of the lads on them have been dead for years, I remember the day and the laugh in the pub afterwards, no worries just hunting, humans are nostalgic and without pics people and good dogs we never thought we could do without are forgotten into history, keep taking the pics lads as when we can"t walk those fields and hills it will be al
  2. I normally have some, I'm only on the Wirral,WM
  3. King, I found this pick of your last fight against rocky LOL's its my youngest lad Tom off to a charity boxing event my mate runs, it just made me chuckle, couldn't resist it ha ha, WM
  4. Its a shame you are so serious King, I attend most shows, know a lot of terrier men having been involved for over 40yrs and so feel free to come over and make yourself known, there is a lot of anger on here lately with lads feeling the need to get involved with personal issues between people they've never met, I only ever comment or ridicule when slurred by idiots going off half-truths and rumour, why would you get involved if you don't like it back King ?? serious question ??
  5. It's a pity treehands doesent have you bound and gagged in the cellar.It would be nice not to read your childish threats then. Just for you, looks like you escaped, seems you have no humour, LOL,WM
  6. Treehands has him bound and gagged as his bitch in the cellar LOL's, WM
  7. I think the club runs a bit different now from what I can gather, do they turn out to any terrier rescue or only on written permission ??? maybe Lee can clear this up for us ?? there is a lot of health and safety bullish*t involved with legal rescues once the authorities are involved, council land,footpaths etc can present problems for the club, most times lads know of other terrier men that will turn out in a heartbeat without the involvement or hassle of a legitimate club bound by rules and technicalities, just my take on it, WM
  8. Here's a pic of my mates dog whilst out "hawking", well used at stud and you can see why, my little Plummer "ROSIE" WM
  9. If you think any of this is funny mate then perhaps your values arnt what you'd have us believe .The scouser wasn't harmed ,just a word to the wise was enough .He on the other hand threatened to do me and mine . Sweeper was well within hius rights to tell me to f**k off but luckily he has values too . I hope your never in the position mate as out stinks ,plays on your mind to distraction until finally something has to give . I'm sure it does stink FD. Not knowing who has their hands on the terrier would be a worry. A terrier I bred and would love back is in a mates yard but he's stoppe
  10. So when I asked about 2 pups you bred bieng for sale and you told me they done nowt had been left in a pen and the lads that bought em hoodwinked you why wernt you there getting em back ? Genuine qestion ? As you seem a genuine lad it deserves the right answer, the dog was taken by my mate sean who paid £350 for it,he is another travelling lad and loves his terriers, he comes out with me on the rats, he did try to buy the bitch as well, he offered the lad £500 for her but she had already been lined at 9 months of age to a pom/cross, the lads that bought them originally paid full price an
  11. I have gifted a few terriers that have been part of my breeding plan mainly as back up in case anything happened to mine from the same litter, I make it quite clear that the terrier must be worked and if they don't get along for any reason then the dog comes back, I pick any stud dog for the first litter and have pick of that resulting litter, after that their debt is paid and they are welcome to do as they like, but if the terrier is sold by me as a pup then I have no hold on it, I always maintain contact regularly with the owners to check on progression work wise of the gifted terriers, lads
  12. he only needs to name him, there will be plenty on here that will know him, WM
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