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Everything posted by Plucky1

  1. It might be a bad PIC but like a lot of that type it appears to have poor feet,bit of road work may help behind the bike,Plucky
  2. I admire your honesty and obvious drive to be the best and yet I still think its up to the breeder to decide the fate and future homes of a litter,I have read a lot of your posts over many years and see even with all your precautions and high standards lads have duped you,I also seen a post off a very green terrierman on here saying you would gift him a pup, surely another mistake,a decent terrier would certainly be too much for a beginner and something meant for somebody that could prove a few years digging under their belt, we all have to start somewhere but have to work our way up,the best
  3. Foxdropper,at what age do you cull the surplus pups ?
  4. Buster you fell on your feet there with kirsty's dad, real tidy grafters them, Plucky
  5. gotta agree there,wind farms are just a fad and won,t always be about,houses are there forever,you just have to hope you can still get on the land after the fad moves on to wave power, you can,t hold back progress and big business,money talks,Plucky
  6. On the subject of selling pups I think its down to the man doing the breeding, if he wants to take the time to breed a bitch,9 weeks and then another 8 to rear them at a fair cost then good luck to whatever he wants to do with them, I've kept and bred terriers for over 45yrs and I don't live in a small village were I know everybody working terriers and we can keep them tight amongst just a few friends but a large northern town were I cannot possibly know every decent terrier man or would be terrier man, there are 65 million people living in great britain and if I take the time to breed a bitch
  7. Some of the best working terriers I've owned and can do anything, snatch it before they change their mind,clever type most of them,good luck,Plucky
  8. There is some great lads and good working stuff in Ireland mate so you'll just have to hope there are some decent terriers being put together,good luck in your quest, Plucky
  9. basically: wait for cloud. Go out and whack em. despite what the 'old poaching songs say, ignore the moon. Thats not how we did it on the estates,we shot open sited and practised pulling up the gun to the shoulder whilst standing directly underneath,when you can pull it up every time without adjustment to align the sites then you are ready for live quarry, you must be stealthy and quiet,took a dog to pin flappers that hit the ground and a lad behind to pick up, took some large numbers this way and yes we were aware of the moon but found the wind as cover was more important,great
  10. Mick Dadds can get them repaired but it costs about 30£,01142851372, based in Sheffield and a decent guy to deal with, P
  11. have you outcrosses at all or kept tight to nuttall breeding,real nice types by the way and have you had the dog used to line many bitches or just your own,y.I.s. P
  12. I have had a few poor beddy/greys recently that lacked heart and not a patch on my old 3/4whippet/beddy from the 90 s, he would take fox easily on his own,stood 21TTS,a good all round sort until he got to about 5yrs old,just wanted to kill fox and if they were not about anything would do,sheep,other dogs,in fact any stock, I had him put to sleep in the end after he became crazy,not really had one since,P,
  13. nice pics,you certainly got about back in the day,P
  14. I think the Russell's on here reflect how versatile a good one can be,keep them pics coming they brighten up my dull day,P
  15. Looks like it as quality ingredients thinking might give it a try,thanks for sharing
  16. Look forward to watching your videos,do yo have the harness for the camera on the dog?
  17. Hi got a couple of terriers and lurchers enjoy getting out with dogs
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