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Everything posted by Plucky1

  1. Few pics from the exhibition at the waterloo cup, WM
  2. Zig, at 6 weeks those pups should be well weaned off the bitch, if she's still feeding milk then she will still give the odd discharge,get her away as soon as the pups are feeding themselves,which they should be by now, let the bitches milk go away and stop letting her in or she will keep trying to regurgitate everything she's eaten and will lose even more condition, buy yourself some lactol milk replacement for the pups and get plenty of good meat down them, whilst the bitch has access to those pups she will only do what nature tells her and thats feed,feed,feed, draining her own reserves,WM
  3. Great post from Fuji just about covered it but the closer you are to the greyhound you may find it useful,also the larger bull crosses carrying a lot of muscle will need this to operate safely on a heavy night of lamping, fitness is paramount in getting the best out of your dog and knowing the breeds that are in your lurcher will give you an idea on the amount of work its capable of without suffering exhaustion or acidosis, WM
  4. it is common for a bitch to produce some fluid from her vagina whilst she is in milk or still feeding the pups, if it is dirty blood then take her the vets,especially if it smells,once she is away from the pups totally then she will tighten up naturally,most vets do not supply milk suppression tablets like they used to and so the whole process can take a little longer when left to nature, when you say she gets sick what does that mean ?? most bitches will regurgitate food if left near to the pups, my old both "MILEY" will sneak off and do this at every feeding if not watched closely,wolves d
  5. ??? lost me there my mate,what are you on about ?? WM
  6. Craig,you may well be that one in ten that appears to be ok but for most there will be a bill to pay in later life, as for you knowing more about steroids then you will need to and like all drugs they are addictive, I have trained since 1974 and enjoyed a healthy life aged 58 now with a good family, I don't know how old you are now but you do sound like the "dead" lads I used to hear in the gym encouraging anyone who would listen to use them, we all think nothing is going to effect us and it will all happen to someone else but "real life" isn't as easy as that,whilst things are going great lad
  7. Don't call me a nob because I've a different opinion to you. I know loads more people who've had good experiences with steroids and the few who had bad experiences where idiots who brought crap and didn't do there research. So carry on with your horror stories but no need calling lads who don't agree with you. steroid rage eh !!! old age will get you very early my friend, look at Warrior now,he is an old man at 50, WM
  8. Again the opinion of somebody who has never taken them, we see your point, but you don't see anybody else's, steroids have came along way since the early years, I know guys in the 50s taking them and have done for years and their simple rule is don't abuse it, if you abuse anything with your body you will die, fact. Answer me this then, I attended many seminars by the biggest and best bodybuilders in the world,in fact my mate Peter Peers was Mr olympia,world,etc,why did arnold need a triple heart by-pass at such an early age,he,along with franco and many others training in californian gy
  9. King, don't listen to the nobs telling you they are ok, they are not !!! the graveyards around the merseyside area where I live are littered with dead lads that used steroids, we were gutted a few of us that did it the natural way seeing lads piling on stones of muscle with no more effort than us,a year or so passed by before the real side effects took place,apart from the normal rage and bad temper,spots,etc a few lads were locked up for smashing up their own houses,road rage,one lad was locked up in a mental institution and died still in there last year,he was sent there in 1978 because his
  10. My neighbour is a financial consultant and he has no pension,he and 5 other consultants are buying a large building in Liverpool,this will be their pension, even government bonds cannot give you that return on your investment, WM What return would that be? He is speculating, many will tell you he is in for a fall, you make your choices! Hindsight and a Crystal ball are very useful! Any large property in a large city centre is a good investment, since the capital of culture award Liverpool has seen massive increases on their original investments, my other mate Mark bo
  11. My neighbour is a financial consultant and he has no pension,he and 5 other consultants are buying a large building in Liverpool,this will be their pension, even government bonds cannot give you that return on your investment, WM
  12. couldnt agree more gents ! and thats from personal experience Probably the best 2 posts along with si brown, pensions are too unreliable to offer a decent wage in your retirement, all the decent super annuation and better company pensions are dead in the water now, property is where the investments should be placed, find an up and coming area and buy property, if you have been following the news you will have seen BHS pensioners have just had half a billion pounds stolen by "Phillip Green" who used it for loans to prop up a dying company, he has offered just 70 million back, these company
  13. There is always another fox waiting to claim the territory of the demised,I see lads on estates shooting them,lads digging them,keepers snaring them and houses trapping them but "ol Foxie" just keeps coming along, I've never seen anyone clear a place totally so don't see a problem in any sort of control when needed, nobody likes to kill cubs but if the keeper or farmer says "they have to go" then thats what happens,if you won't do it then someone else will, WM
  14. I used to fly female spars but without a better pic of the dove its hard to tell , it does look like a spar, here's a few pics of a male goshawk we use for pest control it may help, WM
  15. well that comment was slightly far fetched... 1. i never mentioned anything about poaching or not paying penalties for poaching 2. never said the dogs were pets 3. getting shot and left for dead!??! come on mate!! i was simply stating that i would of liked to be around in the past as life seemed much more simple ATB Sorry Tom,it was not intended as a go at you just an observation that those travelling lads had it hard everywhere they went,they had to fight for everything they did back in the day, even in the 60's when I was a kid they were made to camp outside the town
  16. 9 out of 10 at game fairs are show rubbish,don't make the mistake of thinking all Plummers are like that,there are working lines, WM
  17. Tom, there has always been heavy penalties for "poaching" or "in pursuit of cony", back when most these pics were taken the states would shoot dogs on sight without any warning, most estate owners were men of substance,magistrates,judges,high sheriffs, mp's,etc so pretty much did what they like even shooting you so don't get to carried away with the romantics of it was better back then, I was shot twice in the 60's for being on estate land and my mate was left for dead by 2 coppers and a keeper,they broke his neck and left him in a ditch, even when coursing,etc was legal it wasn't for us lads
  18. was that the main ingredient in "ALUGAN" that is now prescription only ??? WM
  19. Welcome to the madhouse Mick, have you got any dogs ??? WM
  20. I was ferreting a place for years that was full of rabbits and after we'd got on top of the numbers we made a concerted effort in the farmers garden where his wife had a small orchard and veg patch,well we had a few lay ups were we had to dig down with me putting my arm up stop ends with 2 or 3 in when the farmer came back and was looking at us a bit weird, he came over to see us asking whether we were not afraid of the snakes ?? I thought he was taking the piss until his wife came out and assured us that they always see Adders in the garden there,so,I don't put my hand up quite so readily th
  21. Sounds like your pack needs something with a decent nose, as I've said before "DREAMER", try to get out more with some decent dogs, WM
  22. The two litters from ferrets is impossible mate but not one to argue so crack on . I don't understand this as my jills regularly have 2 litters each and never thought it unusual,my hobs are left in until they are too much hassle for the jills, WM
  23. Is it a phone?? or a pc,laptop,i-pad ?? what is the operating system,windows ?? if so what one ?? there are many sorts and can be very different, I just click the same as King and it brings up my files, I choose the pic and "open", now providing the file is not too big it will upload if not I put it on my desktop and resize till its less than 195,then upload it, practise makes perfect.WM
  24. I have in the past worked every shift pattern there is and always managed to fit my terriers and lurchers around whichever it was, my favourite was always straight days either 8am-4-30pm or thereabouts, you can give them half hour before work (just stay away from earths) and after tea and putting the kids to bed (points earner) I would meet my mate for 9pm,in the week we would only stay out till 11-12 ish but weekends providing there was no big events the terriers were worked, if the dogs were knocked up or injured in any way I would take the mrs and kids out (points earner again), seen loads
  25. It makes me feel all warm inside knowing I'm not the only "LUNE" on here that likes his pound of flesh !!!!!! good job we don't all live in the same area LOL's, WM
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