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Everything posted by Plucky1

  1. Getting decent stock as pups is the only way of knowing what they've done or whats happened to them, when lads start off everyone unloads their sh*te onto them, I've said it before Lee you are an expert when it suits you giving out advice on the forum to novices and then on other occasions telling everyone that you know nothing, I wouldn't let you have a barbie doll to look after,you're either grey matter challenged or plain stupid, WM
  2. Wrong, the only terrier purposely bred as an all rounder was the plummer,look at the breeds in its make up, as for your retrieving question well all dogs can be taught to retrieve, starts with any soft toy in the garden as a pup and developed from there, I bought a good friend of mine a patterdale off a hard well known digging dog in Liverpool, my mate used to be the secretary of a working gun dog club and although a bit hard mouthed loved a day shooting/retrieving, a bit of brain and patience on both sides will do it, a good Plummer works anything you care to teach it,very intelligent and thr
  3. Wrong, the only terrier purposely bred as an all rounder was the plummer,look at the breeds in its make up, as for your retrieving question well all dogs can be taught to retrieve, starts with any soft toy in the garden as a pup and developed from there, I bought a good friend of mine a patterdale off a hard well known digging dog in Liverpool, my mate used to be the secretary of a working gun dog club and although a bit hard mouthed loved a day shooting/retrieving, a bit of brain and patience on both sides will do it, a good Plummer works anything you care to teach it,very intelligent and thr
  4. I've not measured her but she looks around 23" TTS at the moment, not expecting more than another inch or so but we'll see what she tops out at, thanks, WM
  5. Thanks Forest, she can be testing at times but she'll replace my old lurcher this autumn, looking forward to a bit of lamping, WM
  6. AS I said inexperienced, you really need to get out and see it for yourself and not listen to lads that have only ever seen poor ones, they will take care of business whatever is in front of them, I know of lads that only dig to them and don't touch anything else, mine are kept as all rounders and suit me fine, I've seen lurchers jib above ground and yet seen loads of these 15lb terriers hold big dog foxes on their own and stay till dug, WM
  7. The pup is coming along fine and birds are definitely her thing as seen in the pic, she swims well for a saluki based lurcher surprisingly,she's doing all she should at her age and her big teeth are just coming through nicely, she likes a chase off the terriers annoying and practise striking them whenever she runs past them, I've limited her time on rabbits due to the intense heat the last month or so but she will be getting tested a bit more around the ferrets this next month and I intend to improve both her jumping and retrieving also, she is a very friendly bitch and loves to run and run,st
  8. I don't recall anyone saying that in any post on here but if you have a terrier of any sort that can be trusted to rat amongst livestock,ferret like a gun dog,retrieve off water of any sort, face any cover any time of the year,hold a fox on its own,bolt a fox or dig to it, mark any type of hole 100%, catch rabbits 7 days a week all year round,move cattle and sheep,be shot over anywhere and track a deer,guard my van and bark to tell me when the phone is ringing,work all day and still be a good pet for the kids then I'd like to see it,we all keep the dogs that do a job for us and nobody is tryin
  9. Liar,Liar pants on fire !!!! nobody said it was a land rover, 4 X 4 it said and name yourself if you can prove this, corruption and staff disputes was what was said, like most of the posh robbing bar stewards you say what you think will appease the membership, this BASC is only another financial institution these days looking at ways to screw the members of more money, nothing is done or involved with unless its for profit, the whole thing is wrong, WM
  10. Great post from Krawden pretty much covers everything and as I thought from other posts everybody thinks they have the best, I've offered him a decent day out seeing 3 plummers and my young lurcher working any type of ground he likes but as I control a lot of the land around where he lives it will be interesting to see where he has permission, Stagmad, it is mainly grass pasture and crops around Whitchurch,plenty of thick hedges to do and patches of heavy bramble/gorse,etc, 2 of my bitches are in pup at the moment but even at 6wks and 4 wks respectively they will catch a lot of stuff on the da
  11. Looks a nice pup and the very best of luck with her, we can only get them out there and see what happens, I think anything with collie or saluki in them pick you, there'll be some mad times ahead of you thats for sure, my pup is coming up 5 months old and she really has tested my patience at times, gets bored easily and wanders off when ferreting,retrieves one minute then not when she decides otherwise, next minute she's nudging my hand with a bird or young rabbit, deaf when it suits her, you know the sort of thing, I look forward to seeing her progress, atb, WM
  12. Pm me if you want to see what I use,don't miss much with mine and they're out everyday,have you got perm and I will gladly give them a run for you, WM
  13. I have been in your position a few times and unless you have them in a watertight case then you are dreaming mate,are you still paid whilst on the sick ?? is it a big company ?? most managers would be expecting you to go on the sick as its always the first thing anyone in dispute does, if you have been there a long time then you will have some protection but one thing is for certain you will never win taking on a company unless there have been glaring errors in the grievance procedure by the management which is unlikely, all companies take advice from company solicitors and unless you are in
  14. Bullying in the workplace has been an issue here for quite some time and this info comes from inside BASC headquarters, I know a lad in there, the other issue is certain top brass buying 4X4 vehicles and getting them fitted out with every convenience for their own dogs even though they are nothing to do with the gun dog section,mis-use of members funds have long been an issue and it all came to a slanging match last week, the police were called as women were being threatened and asked to leave, staying in posh hotels with all drinks meals,etc claimed on expenses instead of camping at the game
  15. Goodnight the Lousiville lip,you were the greatest,WM
  16. R.I.P ALI, thoughts and prayers for his family at this sad time,a great boxer and brilliant showman,the first to bring hype and spin to a brutal sport, my first memories of "the greatest" were my Dad huddled round his radio in the early hours listening to the fight, my family have always loved boxing and he brought that radio to life both before,during and after the fight,I used to come home p*ssed as a young man early hours and my brothers and dad would still be up listening to the fight or discussing the antics of Ali, its a sad shame that he fought on too long and I think it was Holmes that
  17. I'll ask him tomorrow mate,his has been down nearly 2 years and still in great condition, WM
  18. Great to see Plucky there was a load of other top draw stuff in that tent. Oil painting peds were fantastic. We were at the call over in the Scarisbrick Hotel talking amongst ourselves about what made Fullerton special . Presscott over heard and told us the dog had a longer femur than your average greyhound. He wer'nt so happy when the marque blew down mind lol. Seen the bronze a later on at his gamefowl sale. Were they the only pics mate? atb No, I've got loads more if I can find them,WM
  19. Just how many Millwall fans at the game mate? how many of all those thousands committed a crime? All the best I have the pleasure of attending most grounds in all the leagues and always have a craic with fans of both sides, its easy for me being a neutral and I enjoy seeing decent football played wherever it is but the Millwall fans on the whole were all p*ssed up animals on the day with a bad hardcore 2000 that were there just for trouble, the police outside Wembley were extremely tolerant of the threats and abuse, I thought they could of arrested hundreds easily for public affray
  20. My mates got it on his floor and its top draw for cleaning,he's made up with it,WM
  21. Looks a real nice pup Steve, I'm sure it'll see plenty of work with you,best of luck,WM
  22. There's one in Saltney I use now and then to zero or the one in sealand shooting school, WM
  23. Hello Bird, I am a Liverpool fan and have followed them since the 60's,seen all that sh*t come and happily go, the one thing I found when following them was the ones with the biggest mouths were the biggest sh*thouses on their own, I will fight anyone on a 1 to 1 basis and do not suffer fools but have never bullied or intimidated women and kids and do not need a gang to back me up, those days are gone in football now, I attend a lot of games in all leagues during the season from the national league right up to the premiership and thankfully I do not see very much of this behaviour, there were
  24. I attended the play off final Sunday as a neutral guest of the F.A, this was my 3rd final in 3 weeks and Wembley truly is a top class venue, I was really appalled at the behaviour of the Millwall fans on the day and thought all the mindless hooliganism,violence,etc was gone from the game,I normally stay over in the Wembley Hilton but this Sunday I travelled down with an official from Cheshire FA as my guest,we drove down to take the train from Stanmore on the "jubilee line" and on the train were fans from both sides, I enjoyed a laugh and exchanged pleasantries with families both sides of me,u
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