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Everything posted by Plucky1

  1. I could of done with your skills on that extension LOL's, yes mate everything is really busy at the moment,2 litters to sort out each day and the pest control side of things has been really hectic, I have fox,rabbit,rat traps out over half of Cheshire and Wirral, the golf courses and hotels have been mad for rabbits this year and I've been shooting 50-60 a night on average,I have a lad buying them as quick as I can kill them, the crops have been coming down around here these last few weeks so the rats have moved back into the hedge bottoms,thats a terriers dream and its hard to go far without
  2. Top pictures have you not got any round up? Them weeds would drive my ocd mad, LOL's, you sound like my mrs,she wants decking putting down,in the background is a new extension,took the whole back of the house out and internal walls down,steels in,etc,so having a blow whilst pups are on the ground then onwards and upwards,garden is a mess meanwhile but we're getting rid of anything that requires watering or maintenance, I'm lucky she is not pushy and will wait but the second them pups are gone she will expect to see results, WM
  3. A few pics of my latest 2 litters placed together whilst I clean the pens, some are 5 weeks and some are 6 weeks old, the bitches were sold before they were born,that leaves 8 dogs to go, they are very similar in size considering there is a week between them, some really nicely marked pups in these litters and only share 75% blood, WM the dog in front of the run is from last years litter, same way bred as some of these pups,nice size and conformation
  4. Stevo,you got yourself a real nice pup there for your lad, I've used "Merlin" many times in the last 8 yrs and he's a cracking dog that certainly puts work into his pups, good luck with her and just keep her out of them rabbit holes once she's going out, she should have a great nose, "merlin" only has one fault and that is he is mute on most quarry, atb, WM
  5. The worst terrier I ever owned was "Foxwarren" bred some 25yrs ago, she had lots of eye problems and I re-homed her as a pet, ended up losing both eyes even so they kept her to an old age, WM
  6. You put some pics up for a change, be nice to see some others, WM
  7. Its feet were rubbish but he could catch hares,there was obviously some greyhound in the mix to get the larger dog but you could not tell looking at the parents,I took my mate back to see him with his dog when it was about 18months old and even he was at a loss to explain it because the lad I got it for had lost a whippet from old age and just wanted a replacement for the kids but it was like DIGBY the worlds biggest dog,Lols,WM
  8. Busher, don't get to hung up on size, its speed you are after and anything thats well bred for speed will have a high catch rate, every bitch (runner) I've ever owned has been fast, this bitch now is quick but with stamina to burn and with lurchers its not an exact science,the more thats in the mix then they can go to any breed in there, my mate from Crew put two 19" whippets together, I took a dog pup for my mate at 7weeks,they all looked level and the one I got my mate turned out 29"TTS,the rest of the litter were 19-20inch, most decent lurchers that get out bushing regular will soon anticip
  9. looks a real nice pup,I love the markings and should make a great busher for you,good luck, WM
  10. good luck with the pup busher anything bred from a Plummer has a decent nose, you may find yourself getting a spade out before to long, WM
  11. Busher, I bred loads of Plummer crosses and plenty of fell/Plummers, they made excellent digging/all round terriers, always thought they were the best cross for fox, how old is yours and what do you expect of it, WM
  12. the easy answer to that is NO, my terriers will mark any hole thats occupied but will not enter without my say so, they are told to "move on" or depending what it is will get a "go on",gives me time to fasten up the others and net up, the same when ferreting, they are all taught when young to sit back and watch the holes they are allocated, it can be frustrating when a pup is added to the pack as it can send them all off the rails temporarilly but normality soon returns when they learn whats acceptable, we seem to shoot and retrieve less foxes each year due to the amount of shooting with rifle
  13. whatever is in there gets it really, 7 days a week and plenty to go at, WM
  14. Hello Busher, the deerhound cross is my lads dog and just line bred deerhound/greyhound, catches plenty whilst out stands 29"TTS with a lovely temperament,jump anything and very biddable, he is coming up 18 months old and the Autumn will start his serious testing. the other bitch is mine in this bottom pic, she is out of match stuff on her sire's side and the bitch was a very good lamping bitch with deerhound/grey with a tiny bit of bull in there, she's only nearly 8 month old but is very switched on and plenty of pace,holding her back until she's ready,just a bit of ferreting and bushing at
  15. This is pretty much my daily event, WM sometimes different terriers and sometimes different lurchers
  16. too many runs in a young dog can pile on too much muscle in the back legs twisting them out of shape making them cow hocked, it can also enlarge the heart with the lungs being pushed too early,like a lot of young dogs they can be finished at a very early age, let the pup mature a bit and you will get the years out of it barring accidents, I learnt the hard way losing a top bitch aged only 3 and Half, WM they only build the muscles used for running how can that be bad, running does not enlarge the heart just the arteries that why when runners get fit their heart slows down as it pumps more bl
  17. too many runs in a young dog can pile on too much muscle in the back legs twisting them out of shape making them cow hocked, it can also enlarge the heart with the lungs being pushed too early,like a lot of young dogs they can be finished at a very early age, let the pup mature a bit and you will get the years out of it barring accidents, I learnt the hard way losing a top bitch aged only 3 and Half, WM
  18. not with a rough heavy coat they do,not,I have lifted them off deer fences hanging on wire and never had any damage, I could show you pics of my mates whippet/greyhound, looks like a relief map of India,cut to feck and spent high on 4grand on her cuts,that'sthe price of a decent car, I,Ve ran rough coated dogs for 45yrs and barring a few knocks they are bomb proof, wm
  19. I hope you knock the feck out of him when you get a name,thieving cnut, WM
  20. The terrier and lurcher show is always OK, but there is,not much else in the way of trade stands, its been getting gradually poorer each year and getting out can be a nightmare,we will not be bothering this year, WM
  21. smooth coat,thin skin,loads of cuts on wire,not my type but they look good, WM
  22. What type of terrier have you bought ?? that would help and put a few pics of you and the dogs, even lurcher pics will give lads an idea what they would be dealing with, I know loads of lads in your area with plenty of terriers, lurchers,etc, that get out plenty but the onus is on you to sell yourself, moaning about experts or seasoned lads will just put people off helping you, if I was closer I'd give you a day out bushing to see what you were like but you have a lot of lads around you and I'm surprised nobody has come forward, WM
  23. Nice pup bob, good luck with it, I like a dog with saluki in it WM
  24. Hello Keith,hope you are well and the dogs fit, yes mate pretty much done all I set out to do and have all the dogs I need to see me into my dotage, Tom does,nt seem interested in breeding and I will be spending more time abroad so its time to wind it down a bit, the wife still does,not believe it yet lol,s good hunting, WM
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