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Everything posted by Plucky1

  1. has anyone ever bolted a fox with a ferret?seen it a few seasons ago up lambourne way.netted up and dropped in a few stinkers and out came charlie like an exocet missile with a purse net on his head lol.my old bitch coursed him around the bowl with a load of ramblers stood watching and thankfully he dropped to ground as the old bitch caught hold of his brush.see some strange things when out and about lol.atb dc Bolted a poxy little runt vixen weighing about 7lb into a 3ft rabbit net,nobody could believe it,that was around 1977 and then we dug to a dead ferret a few years later on the edge o
  2. Nice one, thats a good bag for a whippet,reminds me of a nice little whippet I got my mate in the 80's,she always gave 100% and punched above her weight, WM
  3. I can vouch for Ebo being a decent lad, hope you're fine and dogs are good, good hunting, WM
  4. then why do we see so many litters as I described earlier,wormy skinny wretches, you need time and effort to do it right and you are a decent type having read your posts in the past, there are many however that put anything together,mostly accidentally,then struggle to raise them, I have been to some right dumps in the past 50yrs when buying lurchers and terriers,even when recently buying hawks,some folk should not be allowed anywhere near dogs, WM
  5. There the new cash cow a load of bitches bred every year, pups sold for top dollar or to the highest bidder Surely if someone wanted to breed for money they would be breeding the cocker X poodles and Pug X beagles which are all fetching anything upwards of £600/£700 and have decent sized litters. Why would they be breeding plummers which fetch half that and only generally have 3-4 pups? Gaz, most of the snide comments off this knobhead are normally aimed at me and my Plummers, anyone thats bred decent quality pups will know the time and effort to do it properly, these lads that think
  6. There's always plenty about until you"re looking,sometimes takes a while but always worth the wait to get what you want, WM
  7. There will be plenty of us there for the weekend,meeting a few lads from round the country,looking forward to it,WM
  8. The pups sell themselves and I do not wish all my personal details spread over here and the internet, last year a lad put up my Facebook pages of my family and every add I had online, those details are mine and its for me to decide where they are posted, WM
  9. I prefer you not to put any links up to adverts if I wanted to advertise them on here I would,please remove the link,there has been a dark pup in 2 of the last 3 litters due to there being 3 lines and 2 lines back to black muzzled dogs through "Merlin" a dog in the litter last year and the same lad has come back for the dark bitch in one of these litters, they look black when born but by 8 weeks have gone very brown and black mixed by the age of 4 months they make a very deep red, the dog looking in the cage of pups stood in front is one of them, he shares some common blood with her through "W
  10. No bitches and 1 litter sold,a few dogs left out of the other but not ready for 2 weeks, WM
  11. Do your homework Adam and make sure they are free of health issues and come from working stock, WM
  12. Here"s an old pic of "Merlin" with Callum,great lad Paul with a real nice family, WM
  13. I took my mrs for a meal a couple of weeks back to a little pub on the banks of the river Dee just outside Chester,this sign in the carpark amused me, lets see what other good ones are out there, WM
  14. Their all good lads and you are lucky getting a bitch from them, most are gone before they hit the ground, WM
  15. Thats terriers for you and it doesn't matter what breed,LOL's, hope your dogs well gary,WM
  16. No,the closer your breeding then this can happen,I have bred litters that were nearly all bitches, did you buy your terrier off tall paul that owns "Merlin" ??
  17. Mid september mate,bring Johnny and the lad down with you,I always enjoy the Midland game fair,something for everyone,WM
  18. not enough for my mates that wanted them but last year everybody wanted dogs,WM
  19. I never take bookings for pups but if a few mates are after them then I breed them and the rest are advertised, the bitches in both litters are going to mates that will be working them, I could of done with more bitches like last year there were 5 bitches in a litter of 6, I will not be breeding anymore pups after these as I have achieved everything I set out to do,consistent workers of good size,shape, constitution breeding true to type and no difference in size between dogs and bitches without any known health issues,this pic shows them as they should be,dog left and bitch right,both with go
  20. 2 litters on the ground now, WM
  21. just a few mate,had them since 1979,here's a few of mine, WM
  22. The wiring is sh*t on all these lamps and batteries but anyone can modify them in minutes,there"s only 2 wires,a pos+ and a neg-, its not rocket science boys, I've got both Deben and wild hunter and there's no difference in time out with them or power, I can recommend both, the only thing I don't like with lithium is that they give no warning of losing power,they just stop working, WM
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