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Everything posted by Plucky1

  1. Them dogs he had at peover were not pups and they was not for sale they was his own dogs Plucky At I don't know if we are talking about the same litter AT, not this year but last and I was talking to him about them, maybe he never sold any as he was struggling to get 250 for them, WM
  2. I never go by looks Danny and theres only one way to find out and thats collar the dog and enter it, you can have fresh looking heavily padded holes that hold nothing and yet get one in a hole full of leaves, quite often they get run to ground unseen and will hole up in the first place of refuge whether its a hole,drain or anything, WM
  3. Dogfox, I do not wish to argue with you but don't you find it strange that many of the lads that actually see him regular and know the quality of his present stuff are not defending him, that speaks volumes to me, I've seen quite a few of his present stuff and I would not buy one either, these lads that still associate with him have been reading this thread as I have seen them at the bottom of the thread. I feel sorry for him now when I see him like all of us he is getting older and his health has been poor now for a couple of years and a lot of his stuff was farmed out whilst he was in
  4. The easy answer is it depends on the cross, there are many types of lurcher and they are all very different in both their physical attributes as well as their mental maturity, the odd run on a bunny at 6- 8 months will not hurt it but full days running or hard nights should be saved until they are a lot older, I normally start them ferreting getting them steady seeing plenty of rabbits around the nets,jumping etc, the likes of deerhound crosses can be notoriously slow to mature and have held them back till 18months but have seen whippets murdering stuff at 8 months, I think physical size can b
  5. There is a lot more information required before any of the above answers to mean anything, first, what cross is it ?? how old is it ?? how much work has it had and for how long ?? acidosis mainly occurs in dogs of muscular size like pure greyhounds and bull/greyhounds, it is also very prevalent in hot countries like Australia,Saudi,etc a sure sign in a dog is it holds on to its piss overnight and struggles to piss the next day, you will need tablets to relieve it if that is it, I use tins of sardines with tomato sauce which can help with those sort of problems but that is normally after very
  6. Its all in her background mate,well bred known working terriers will out in the end, Gaz kindly sent me a copy of her paperwork and there are not many Plummers with paperwork I would want to own but she was one of them, the lad thats took her is the best place she could possibly of gone and seeing work regular can only be good for both her and the breed, long may it continue and if it educates a few lads that have never seen them work then that is a plus, Good hunting "Tanner", WM
  7. Well done "Tanner" great to see her getting proper work, there's a few about at the minute, we've had a couple to ground this week even in this hot spell and my live catch traps that are out have been catching as well so its looking a bit better this year, good hunting, WM
  8. I see you took the mother-in-law with you then LOL's, WM
  9. To the bostik kid ,resulting to insults don't make you right neither does listening to a man who lost all credibility years back .The small dogs were and are a result of him breeding from anything that fits the type instead of staying true to his early years .Brian has always maintained there was never any early stuff different to what he has now and that its been a continuation of type but looking from the outside in and seeing what has occurred ,the amount of terriers churned out ,the truth is blatant to anyone with an interest .You have your memories of him pabs and I'm truly sorry if I've
  10. the lads that have kept the working lines going have kept them small, mine are all between 10-12TTS and easily spanned, the stuff you see around the shows etc is all big showey stuff,some are as big as 17TTS and you would need 3 hands to span them, I would say most breeds have a work/show split in size and conformation,Wm
  11. Rat face, I used to always be a member of the "fell and moorland" and would pay every year at the Llangollen show, I think George Hardy was the rep then, will there be a stand at this weeks "midland game fair" for lads like us that don't have a club or local rep ?? WM
  12. My finest complements to all involved, you are what good terrier men are all about and a happy outcome,good post, WM
  13. Its really nice to see she's going to get the work she needs, there's plenty like that out there doing what a terrier is bred for, good luck for the coming season and take her steady for a while, she has some nice terriers in her background so its no surprise, WM
  14. Looks more suited to ferreting that land, WM
  15. Looked a great days sport but I can see why you were nervous on the running dogs, like a mine field all them holes, seen a few tumble on them, still its all good at the end of the day, good hunting, WM
  16. I like all lads around my age (58yrs) loved my springers, then it was a rapid mk1, 5yrs ago I sold it and went through most pcp's before trying a full length hw100 In 177, loved it from the first shot, never misses and as its used everyday has killed absolutely thousands of head of vermin, it would have to be some gun to better this and so this will always be my forever gun, WM
  17. I'll be there for both days and will call in for a chat, WM
  18. I have a bitch that is a ringer for that dog and if he turns out half as good as her you will do ok, WM that pic of her was taken some years ago and she shows the signs of work now aged 9yrs
  19. Lovely Iv spoken to Gaz and the bitch has gone to ground of foxes the bitch will be on couplings and used with a hound pack so no really worry about her going to ground on rabbits if she fails well she's been given her chance and will put to sleep if she's doesn't well the lads got a tidy little Plummer for foxing simple really ! I hope it all works out for your mate and she fulfils her potential, always room for a worker, good luck, WM
  20. onwards and upwards,good luck with your pup, WM
  21. Wales, tell my Mrs that, I permanently have friends in my house and mealtimes are never our own due to sharing with mates, why else do you think I have bred so many litters down the years, there are lads working my terriers up and down the country and I stay away in Scotland,Swansea,Evesham and plenty of other far flung places during the course of a year, there are some decent lads digging to Plummers in South Wales, Cardiff,etc and I'm sure if the bitch works out for your mate that he will get a use of a stud dog there, my advice is to sort her out obedience or just put her to sleep, some Plu
  22. I would say its just lack of training and obedience from an early age, get them out early and establish what they can and cannot do,whats acceptable etc,it can take a few months to sort out but well worth the effort, I do not get mistakes, only when adding a new pup to the pack but mine kill most stuff above ground anyway, round here it has to be really wet or cold for fox to go to ground and mine never go in a rabbit hole, they will mark up every occupied hole but will always wait, Plummers are a very intelligent breed and trained from young will be fine, Bunnyboiler, I told you when you boug
  23. I would say its just lack of training and obedience from an early age, get them out early and establish what they can and cannot do,whats acceptable etc,it can take a few months to sort out but well worth the effort, I do not get mistakes, only when adding a new pup to the pack but mine kill most stuff above ground anyway, round here it has to be really wet or cold for fox to go to ground and mine never go in a rabbit hole, they will mark up every occupied hole but will always wait, Plummers are a very intelligent breed and trained from young will be fine, Bunnyboiler, I told you when you boug
  24. 3 litters in 2yrs putting decent plummers on the ground that simply are not out there,done my bit for the breed which is all I set out to do what have you done to help either anyone or any breed ?? WM,
  25. I would say its just lack of training and obedience from an early age, get them out early and establish what they can and cannot do,whats acceptable etc,it can take a few months to sort out but well worth the effort, I do not get mistakes, only when adding a new pup to the pack but mine kill most stuff above ground anyway, round here it has to be really wet or cold for fox to go to ground and mine never go in a rabbit hole, they will mark up every occupied hole but will always wait, Plummers are a very intelligent breed and trained from young will be fine, Bunnyboiler, I told you when you boug
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