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Plucky1 last won the day on February 23 2017

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About Plucky1

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    Extreme Hunter

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  1. Gnipper, I'm not quite ready for packing it all in yet and my lad still gets out with me, I take quite a few lads out as guest ferreter on the estate work, I'm right on top of the rabbit job for now after years of large numbers, I had left small pockets to re-populate but the dreaded "myxie" popped up and sorted most that were left, the golf courses have been flooded this year and numbers are down to very little,just the odd 1 or 2, I still shoot and bush the 5 fisheries, sometimes with the lamp, my local farms around Chester are all in control number wise, we have stopped all the paid work, s
  2. Yes mate, I've done everything I set out to do, speed bred a steady line of all round Plummer type terriers that are clean from health issues that breed true to type size,conformation, colour but most of all they have mostly been steady workers, I only have an early foundation bitch thats 10 yrs old, she is whats been the difference, hungry for work of any sort, bit hard on fox in her day but still a 100% working terrier, mark anything, work anything, just tuned in since the day I got her in 2008,never been a bit of trouble and an only survivor from a very rare litter that was very well bred,
  3. what a lovely stamp of a bitch she is now, "ACE" puts a lot into his pups thats for sure !!! that strong look is in her alright, have a merry Xmas ,WM
  4. Anybody interested in buying my breeding runs pm me, there is this one and a rather more substantial one, can be used inside or out, best thing you will ever buy if you're breeding pups or even to restrict movement whilst puppy training, WM
  5. Hello Keith me ol tata, been a while since either of us posted really so a quick update on "WILF", he has really gone from a decent dog to one thats totally driven 100%, a massive change so much so that I've had to rest him for the last 3 weeks due to the damage he has took over the autumn/winter on fox, I had a couple to ground with him last year but he's woken up and decided he likes the pain, I might as well have "DANNY" back now the way he works, his face was becoming a mess as each bolt or dig left him with a mark or two, after a couple of months he was looking rough, so I decided to avoi
  6. What a lovely pack of terriers you have,good luck with them,WM
  7. My old mate had a saluki/greyhound that would always mark his black dog to ground, they were kennelled together and seemed to have a close bond, she was always spot on with her mark we came to rely on her at times but she never marked other terriers only him, WM
  8. R.I.P Poppy, Lee I feel sorry for your loss but you're still as green as the day you first started posting on here and this will not be the end of your disasters, you have been trying to run too fast before you can walk again, you can get as many tattoos as you like on yourself of wildlife and dead terriers but the experienced terrier men on here can see through your posts like glass, I applauded that you got involved running the fell and moorland in your area but that just shows how desperate the terrier job has become, how can a man with no direct experience of digging give advice to lads t
  9. Tratante, we can only comment on the dogs we witnessed ourselves and that is your experience of "Brightmoor" terriers, my mates bitch "MEG" was a good all round honest worker, quiet in the kennel and house, but a demon when out, never seen her beaten by anything she was asked to work, she was my mates first real terrier and proved to be an education for all 3 of us young lads, back in 70's the world was a different place and the countryside was wild, you never bumped into anti's or idiots protecting badgers or foxes and if a farmer asked you to remove a badger it was done without a song and da
  10. The best working bitch I ever witnessed was a Brightmore bitch,a long time ago now, she lived to an old age and was still worked in her dotage occasionally, WM
  11. Then use a molesmoke bomb LOL's, I've used these in rock cairns up on the high hills where you would never put a terrier in due to many being lost in the past, we've used them when not having a terrier with us in normal earths with mixed success bolting to a lurcher or gun, more than one way to get the job done on keepered land, its all about the result not pure terrierwork, always other options !!!Failing that get a tin of chapie put a hole in the top and wave it by the entrance that should get him to pop his head out for a look. Everybody who lamps has baited an area for fox control numb n
  12. Only if you stick to riding your scooter !!!
  13. Then use a molesmoke bomb LOL's, I've used these in rock cairns up on the high hills where you would never put a terrier in due to many being lost in the past, we've used them when not having a terrier with us in normal earths with mixed success bolting to a lurcher or gun, more than one way to get the job done on keepered land, its all about the result not pure terrierwork, always other options !!!Failing that get a tin of chapie put a hole in the top and wave it by the entrance that should get him to pop his head out for a look. Everybody who lamps has baited an area for fox control numb
  14. You are not the first to make a mistake my mate as we have all done it, sometimes you get away with it and sometimes you don't, only takes a second to go wrong, I've lost 2 terriers on the road whilst out working, both times bolting fox near a main road and another across a motorway, both older dogs that had done these places 100's of times before without an issue, the first my bitch of 9yrs bolted a fox near a road and both were killed, the second a bitch 6yrs old that had been worked all over the country in some mad places and got away with it was entered in a wood 200yds from a motorway, bi
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