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Thomas Breul

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About Thomas Breul

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 12/10/1977

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Lake Los Angeles CA
  • Interests
    Falcons and Hawks, good horses, fast dogs, fine whiskey, beautiful women, top shelf herb, and good friends. Not necessarily in that order...

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  1. Only have my bull whip pups pics.
  2. Only have my bull whip pups pics.
  3. Welcome.s toked your back. I also forgot login. This time I'm hooked to Facebook if I forget that login the wife can rescue me.
  4. Now I'm not into hunting jacks when they are young or during breeding season. And I'll he honest...it's damn hot in my desert and I wouldn't be out in the field if I didn't see a need for it. Normally I'd be on some vineyard guarding their grapes. This year I'm not working and the plan was not getting Vinny out until middle of September. Or later. When it's not scorching hot. So I blame the dog. It's for sure all her fault. Recently I acquired a 8 month old (guessing here) Bull Whip. The young bitch has a excellent recall and respect for the hawk came instinctivly it seems. Even better sh
  5. Dogs will bark at a Lion. And a man can be judged by his detractors. I like reading your stuff bro. Please don't quit. The forum would be less for it.
  6. Not all coursing dogs are white. But the tendency toward white dogs is practical. They are easier to see in the field. You will see black ones and all sorts of colors in between. By same token I don't like black or white falcons for bird control work because they are harder to see in certain weather or time of day.
  7. Thanks Hawkins. That explains it well. I can't wait to follow the pups progress.
  8. Y'all are awesome folks. Why I love this forum. Great to see people helping each other and even gifting gear. #thehubtinglifecrewrocks
  9. Thank you. He's a joy to fly at work or play
  10. Can I get a link to view it as I'm on the Yankee side of the pond. For the record a old school game bred APBT is the least dangerous to humans of any large breed dog. Getting harder to find well bred pits tho. Media and thugs are ruining the breed. I'd rather let my kid play with three real pits than any lab pointer or spaniel. Those breeds were never bred to not bite a human despite extreame pain like a game bred dog was. They were once known to be good kid dogs that's why Pete the dog in The Little Rasckles show was a pit. Stereotypical kids dog back then. I'm curious to see what the sh
  11. Welcome y'al. Looking forward to hearing about your way and your places.
  12. He looks to be a hella good dog. I'm not familiar with the sire and dam tho. Can you help a guy fron the states out a bit and give me a idea of what he's got in him?
  13. Poacher..I'm confused. The guy asked about your dogs but didn't take them far as I can tell from reading here. Why do you say he was up to no good? Gut feeling about him? I would trust my gut so that's a fair reason for me. I am damn glad you got your dog back and I hope you don't have to go through that worry again. Here in my area gypsies would be a novelty if anyone even could tell they were talking with one. I have gone out of my way to make the connections I have and they all have been very supportive. I can't tell you how much time some guys put into me from this forum helping me learn
  14. Love the look of him. Hope his health improves. You guys got my prayers
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