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Everything posted by Chaff

  1. Must be something leaking inside your freezer, that colour doesnt look natural to me.Well it was wrapped up in a carrier bag same as everything else never noticed this ever before.I'm wondering if it is blood turned blue. Blue bag or blue writing? Bit Blue paper in the bag? shades of blue are quite normal but that does look artificial OK I will go and cut the end of bone and see if its just on outside edge.
  2. Must be something leaking inside your freezer, that colour doesnt look natural to me.Well it was wrapped up in a carrier bag same as everything else never noticed this ever before.I'm wondering if it is blood turned blue. Could it be the dye off the carrier bag? I know bones can change dark because of the blood but that colour is way off the charts. Yeah mate I not sure about giving it to the dog now It was a orange Sainsbury's bag nothing blue on it. It looks to be just coming out the bone where its been cut.
  3. Must be something leaking inside your freezer, that colour doesnt look natural to me. Well it was wrapped up in a carrier bag same as everything else never noticed this ever before. I'm wondering if it is blood turned blue.
  4. No mate its in separate freezer. Just game kept in it
  5. Thanks for replies, it looks like its coming out of the bone, doesn't smell off. It was not hung just a quick carve up and in the freezer it went only about 3 months old. A mate butchered it I even asked if he had used a hack saw as its that kind of blue if you know what I mean, his reply was no he used his best sandvic saw Think this ones going to the dog
  6. Got a leg of venison out freezer last night just put it in bowl for soak and noticed the bone has turned blue ? Anyone come across this before
  7. Are bears Catholics and does the pope shit in the woods ?
  8. Game of thrones quote " he's a c**t alright, and there's no cure for that " never heard it before pmsl.
  9. Folding Stanley does what I need. Legal carry too I believe. I do have a couple of elephant skinners that I bought years ago now used to split lighting wood.
  10. Been looking so far fingers crossed looks like the myxie might be giving us a miss this year,only problem I have are the good sets have a lot of birds on the ground around them so can't do them to end of Feb. Still a few to do before then, and the numbers I seen early morning look good plus found a complete new set. Atb everyone
  11. IMO you done right thing just hope it was well clean before any antibiotics prescribed seems harsh pts
  12. Ref trackers I have an app the tracks my kids where abouts by phone so it must be cheap tech duck tape a cheap smart phone to mutts back job done
  13. I dig to tunnel then fill with ferret shit they seem to move off pretty quick
  14. As a lad I worked in grey kennel's, and if their was a faller beyond repair at the local horse tracks it would be bought and fed to dogs saw a complete head boiled with veg for a day then served up it was considered the best you could give them at the time. It smelt real good too
  15. Do many people feed dry all year I buy about 3 bags a year the rest is made up of rabbit and venison mainly
  16. They probably both the same mate.
  17. Shepherd's choice 8 quid a 15kg bag shit is quite sold dog troths the lot. Seems quite happy on it. He still has raw 3 times a week even if I have to buy it.
  18. Mines done pigeon pheasant as green dragon says he See's it he wants it no training
  19. Cheap silicone works just fine walshie
  20. Caterston lewston is about the nearest town, been crabbing at broad church or west bay
  21. Stopping just outside bridport for a couple days before moving off to somewhere else. Farmer just cutting field behind us so will have a shine with my lloydy lamp tonight.
  22. Chaff


    My grandad told me similar when he was a boy, only he said used to tie balloons to end of line for entertainment lol
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