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Everything posted by Chaff

  1. He's a wrong'un candidate
  2. Chaff

    Weed ;)

    No wonder my lungs are Donald ducked, first hash I had was red leb, minali spelling ? Fluffy pollen rocky black soap ( with added diesel ) and a few others that I can't remember. Grass was known as flat pack, or we went to notting hill or front line brixton for senseed ? Or badly cured home grown locally. Guess it was better than glue or lighter fluid. All the positives for your health except your lungs take a hammering. Now if I could buy in a Vape form then I might be tempted, just a matter of time before its readily available.:)
  3. The brindle bitch is apparently a good example of a tumbler according to breeder, she 22tts quite heavy build. Works well enough. I'll be f****d if I know why tumbler she just a lurcher in my eyes, or as breeder likes to call them a stealth poachers dog of old.:)
  4. Found this fascinating stuff Though the summer solstice has not played a major role in the history of Christianity or Judaism, unaware to most, several summer solstice traditions have been passed down through the millennia. The most notable in Christianity, which occurs during the summer and winter solstices, are the births of John the Baptist and Jesus of Nazareth. According to tradition, John the Baptist’s birthday occurs on June 24th, which is the point when the sun visibly begins descent from its pinnacle during the summer solstice.
  5. Foxing dogs are a thing of the past now fella. Few in Ireland where still legal. All lurchers bred in this country are bred for rabbit.
  6. Hey didildee more permission me :)

    1. walshie


      Ho diddley oh. That's the way to go.

    2. Chaff


      Haha only produced 3 rabbits one killed underground and didn't find it one had a huge lump full of worm eggs but hey it was nice to get out, I will return with lamp to check numbers.

      Hope you and family had a good Christmas walshie

  7. The sick twisted twats have just put up the age of consent in the Vatican from 12 to 14 I believe, and there's no females. How they get away with preaching about world poverty when they are sat on millions and do nothing.
  8. I hope so too mate, I have found a few dead ones in woodland that looked perfectly healthy, I assume that's vhd I was told it wipes out a warren in 48 hours killing a lot underground. Was vhd a man made virus or just spread by man
  9. Who thinks the rabbits will become immune to vhd after a few years after all it is a virus, unlike the forever mutating myxi
  10. I don't burn any coal myself just wood in open fire, trick with wood is a solid base no air only from front
  11. I could weekends for free
  12. Haha the loss of WiFi will be the kiss of death for half the population.
  13. Off to the Christmas SAS party if I dare 

    1. smithie


      he, who dares wins

    2. Guest


      Who dares wins Rodney who dares wins,,,

    3. Chaff


      Was a good dinner and few beers, I wanted to photograph the inside of this place but didn't feel right.

      Will ask next time.

  14. Christianity was all based and taken from paganism IMO.
  15. I can feed raw and dog will shit stones first 2 or 3 then its just gravy I don't think he needs to do it. I have come to thinking its a marking thing ?
  16. Same mate, on the plus side I can always find a place at the bar with him in toe lol
  17. Think its safe to say that those that live closer to nature will be the ones that would stand a chance of surviving an apocalyptic scenario.
  18. Good stuff that one coat and scratch NL, I'm a bit more old school and by f**k my back and shoulders know it. Lol Good luck with the job and respect to you mate.
  19. God on you NL, been plastering hall stair and landing along with 3 layers of wood chip removed. Just back from Bournemouth after a weekend of hot tubs and saunas so ready for a week of paint and second fix. Worth while thing your doing there mate, I take it the jobs north of Watford ?
  20. Good going socks pup must be in fine fettle mate.
  21. Nice one mate, its a good feeling when the whole team pull together. Dog marking correctly ferrets working well a bolter picked up by dog all makes for a good day in my book. The way this season is going for me I would be more than happy with them numbers. You can never under estimate a small dog my mates old 19tts whippet cross took a good few roe and muntys back in the day.
  22. Bet when were out of the EU the price will rise, which won't be a bad thing imo
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