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Everything posted by Chaff

  1. Could be ? Just saying How about bringing back public baths £3.00 buys you an outfit from charity shop Then get a job
  2. I don't understand why they not working that's the first thing to get sorted. I'm sure workers in life much like dogs is a genetic thing, and if you ain't from working stock then yous end up a jacker ?
  3. Tis sad but he just accepting his situation. Sitting their doing nothing waiting for hand outs his life will never change.
  4. Maybe the solution is for people to give f**k all, then the professional beggars would go, the junkie and alcys would disappear. Leaving the genuine ones to get a bit of help from government.
  5. You can't help those that don't help them self's, is what I tell my kids yet they still insist on feeding them. To them its now a bit like feeding the ducks in the park or feral pigeons ?
  6. Not my idea of carping, its come a massive money spinner since maddocks book carp fever and him making the hair rig common knowledge.
  7. to be fair most lines of mastiff need the gene pool refreshed. But that was a well written peddlars add IMO.
  8. One of the first times I went out on a mates permission on south downs. I would of been around 30 and mate around 65 who could really get a yomp on while chain smoking fags ?? He left me struggling to keep up, he be around 85 now. Still gets out ferreting now but we sit him in a chair and he sits and moans that we are doing everything wrong?
  9. Never any hassle we used to fish the Kennet and the good spots backed onto a traveller site they came down and soon f****d off when they saw the dog. Mate has two of them now dog and bitch but the dog has got a twisted raised spine, but I guess that's pure breds for you.
  10. Mates old mastiff very chilled out dog. If anyone approached while fishing you held his chain and he would instantly turn to snot and teeth.?
  11. Get him to crap on news paper then keep putting down paper moving it nearer door that's worked for me in the past good luck
  12. Yep takes some conditioning to do that, he looked fast on that crosser as well ?
  13. Yeah he really takes the piss with it, makes it look soo easy.
  14. Yeah I reckon I have too king, but maybe not on a push bike ?
  15. Think its time to respect the numbers now mate ?
  16. Any numbers left at that Irish airport I wonder ?
  17. 52 sat here with broken arm after trying to teach my boy how to do stoppies on a push bike ?
  18. I have a good little Jill worker here she seems to latch on well, but because of her size she gets dragged up and down the bury if she gets hold of a big rabbit.
  19. Seen 30 or 40 pigeons racers I think, land in the middle of a lake I was fishing, they all laid on the surface with wings out for 5 or 10 seconds before taking off.
  20. Try a small bag of talc powder stuck to floor with just the right amount of dog shit, bet it gets picked up and goes straight in his pocket ?
  21. Sell the idea to deben mate
  22. Spot on them katchum thanks I got a leather rivet thingy in shed will give it ago. I always envious of my mates old collars with snaplink as they much quicker to put on and off. Cheers for that ?
  23. Snap links so you don't bother with the catch it come with ? If I got you right ?
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