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Everything posted by Chaff

  1. So not really a great deal of benefit heath wise, apart from a few niche cases. Do you think the real push to legalise is to get high, and is being introduced under a medical smoke screen.
  2. Mate just been told advanced prostate cancer and has spread to bones. He is using that as well as black seed oil which is much cheaper and I think comes from same plant. Also dandelion root ?
  3. Yeah they would have been, still caused a pile up though.
  4. I think I might know the woman, my dogs lost interest in chasing bags now, but a couple year ago I raced him and he took off got along side this woman's leading dog then turned and gave hers a bite and they both went bowling down the field, this woman went proper mental shouting b*****d should be disqualified and have a restart lol
  5. I couldn't do a club rally, I just look up old trackways bridleways and footpath's and go for a look have always come back with some interesting mostly worthless find. Lol If you have your own land then you don't have to deal with the legality's of it. I reckon I have got the money back on mine if I could be bothered to sell a bit of gold.
  6. https://www.uneartheduk.co.uk/?gclid=CjwKCAjw__fnBRANEiwAuFxET2KNaEMvB1_Jj4Wa05pNRVSQyKgrARqB5bnfsSyTC0iVvsdFSBx4HRoCVtEQAvD_BwE These people I have used and would recommend a chat to them for advise
  7. Frank warren was shot a few years back anyone remember what it was about. Think they tried pinning it on terry marsh ?
  8. Make a good alarm guard, but get feckin annoying after a while. Just back from Devon and site we stopped at had some giving it large through the night. Lol
  9. Took this the other day been hearing it for weeks, but couldn't see it till the other day
  10. Chaff


    I tell my kids if they do what they love in life they will never work a day in it.
  11. Wife woke me this morning at half five to say just heard a cuckoo, would be good to find that one and photograph.
  12. Plenty about here at the moment, but said to say I suspect once the numbers are up the dreaded myxi or vhd or both will knock the numbers down. Just in time for winter as usual, i hope not but going on previous years it appears to be the norm.
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