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Everything posted by Chaff

  1. That will be a very very lucky dog if it got re homed, poor fooker you gotta blame the owners or maybe its got wiring problems. Either way think its destined for the great hunting ground in the sky
  2. Noticed my mutt would eat really fast when ever someone walked past him while eating, so stuck my hand in bowel and he growled and showed teeth. So had to remind him of his place in the pack, now he sits and won't touch his food bowel until told. Has since been a lot more responsive to commands as well. I guess if these traits go unnoticed then over time you end up with a potential child biter
  3. Hope she's up and running for you soon mate ?
  4. Damm didn't think anyone would notice ?
  5. They act and behave so dumb in gardens, yet become real sharp cookies in the field don't they.
  6. Remember my old man giving me a big old whelk as a boy. Just remember chewing on it for a good half hour nodding my head every time he said " nice aren't they " lol
  7. Add that with your snails and garlic and you would have the perfect meal for that Hugh Stanley wittingstool fella off the telly ?
  8. Kevin Clean does that signal eat me or shag me greyman ? My birthday today the Mrs got me a trailcam looks like expensive kit to leave laying around. Like you I spend most my time this time of year wondering around land that hasn't been touched in 50year and I'm certain only I visit it. Lots of animal trails criss cross it so if I get any moggie related stuff you will be the first to know mate.?
  9. Thing is with today's weed its so messed about with I think its doing more harm than good, if it were just left natural with x amount of THC and x amount of cbd must be better with one balancing the other out all these super high bred THC plants are sending a lot of people mental. As for Cbd on its own ? I think its a money spinner that's preying on desperate people and offers no real health benefits, quite the opposite if your daft enough to smoke it.
  10. Chaff


    Toggle navigation The Firewood Poem Beechwood fires are bright and clear If the logs are kept a year, Chestnut’s only good they say, If for logs ’tis laid away. Make a fire of Elder tree, Death within your house will be; But ash new or ash old, Is fit for a queen with crown of gold. Birch and fir logs burn too fast Blaze up bright and do not last, it is by the Irish said Hawthorn bakes the sweetest bread. Elm wood burns like churchyard mould, E’en the very flames are cold But ash
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