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Everything posted by Chaff

  1. The world's eyes will be watching you mate ? If guidelines are followed then don't see it a problem ? Fact is we all got to get over the fright of catching it and keep on keeping on ? Perhaps the big numbers of mortalitys have past and any second wave of infections won't be so deadly ?
  2. Chaff

    Weed ;)

    Not sure if this stuff is organic or what mate, we use swell gel in our hanging baskets it holds the water and stops them drying out
  3. Nothing new then Chris ?
  4. The only country's that seem to have responded better are the ones that have experienced a dose of SARS or mers it's all new to us so all in all our government is doing a reasonable job. Spare a thought for the Vikings they just carrying on ? Let's see how they fair as that's what we could of had here at one point.
  5. I think I'm right in saying that sweeden are the ones going for all out herd ammunity good luck to them with that.
  6. No money to gain from pandemic prep that might be why ?
  7. Quite refreshing and heart warming that mate. What a top bloke ?
  8. Let's hope he is right mate ?
  9. Did you do the sharpness test on yourself mate? Looks a good one mate ?
  10. Mate don't do anything hastey, I'm hoping I get through this just so I can fill my wardrobe with decent clobber from the charity shops ??
  11. I really think Boris missed this mate Would of been a good moral boosting moment to announce such and idea what with Brexit as well going on. Think Boris is due another appearance soon he's now living proof why you shouldn't go around shaking peoples hands at the moment .?
  12. Chocolate fireguard springs to mind. Perhaps trump has read them correctly.
  13. What exactly do the WHO do and how many on the payroll, that's serious money I hope it's spent wisely
  14. They will when they happy with there surroundings I'm sure. Think newkid off here said his were laying not long after getting them. Toying with keeping a few myself however I have undertaken a garden project which will need competing before we get any chooks.
  15. Seems only fair to me, get on to your local MP mate ?
  16. Personally I think it would be a good idea to shut the footpaths, what with all the added footfall caused by the virus in lambing season seems fair to me. Plenty places to walk without crossing lambing fields
  17. Well I intend making a move to the southwest of England, as soon as kids are finished with school. They will be given the choice to come or not my son seems to think if you have a good broadband connection then the world is your oyster ? Best of luck to you and yours jetro
  18. Shame the way it's gone mate, theirs no cure for greed especially with a forever growing population.
  19. Sounds perfect does the fishing still support the village.
  20. Beautiful part of the world you live in jetro, how close is your nearest neighbour mate
  21. What's the shore fishing like there jetro
  22. Yeah was thinking the same glue also wondered about a couple spots of silicone. I will have a look later. Do you still have that crutch rocket mate? I would like to see that one tested with chronograph mate
  23. You would think that would make an ideal opportunity to give a few of our own grown couch potatoes a chance for some work experience. Fookin crazy world this is at present
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