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Everything posted by Chaff

  1. Get 2 if you can tuff times at the moment I know.
  2. I know plenty of contractors that bid on big sites get the work then sub to east Europeans. A lot of greedy Englishman that take advantage. Problem is it just drives the prices down.
  3. I have done my bit now taking foot of the pedal as far as work goes, I made hay while the sun shined in the naughties. Has left me with prolapsed disc in back,knee replacement and arthritis You enter life with nothing and you leave with nothing
  4. Probably won't do you a lot of good either
  5. No sense being the richest man in the graveyard Memories is what life is about not money only took me 30 years to realise
  6. 35 year smoker my self 20 years of relaxers packed it all in 4 months ago now I'm a vapist,got to be careful how you type that. Still miss it from time to time
  7. 3x gardener large rolling tables 18,16,and 14 mil 1 x gardener heavy duty bait gun 5 x drying trays Various flavours and additives some unopened some opened Looking to swap for ferreting kit Pictures in my gallery cheers
  8. From what I have seen cannon dslr on movie function takes some beating
  9. No I haven't it only dims when low on battery Reckon keeper must be noticing himself and might give it a rest. Interesting about them not seeing colour so perhaps coloured filters just act as a dimmer ?
  10. The land we work gets shot to pieces at night and has done for a few years since getting a new keeper. Which has made the rabbits very lamp shy no matter what filter you care to use, even on perfect windy nights with good approach a click of the lamp and they scatter. Now we still have our share by ferriting by day, just miss the excitement of lamping. Wondered if anyone else has experienced this and found a way round it maybe Atb
  11. Not too bad this season a guess of around 300 a few mid weekers but mainly once a week,last year same land we had about a dozen.so went elsewhere.was chatting yesterday about empty burys and increase in buzzards being seen, could it be they are taking carcasses left by mixi maybe. IMO we will always have rabbits, they are real survivors Those that have had a bad one this year, may well be singing a different tune this time next year Let's hope so atb
  12. Mine same mice rats and now I think rabbit nests he just digs down no hole hits tunnel then chases it out yet to leave him digging down on rabbit bury also stops puts nose in air quite often I spot a roe 100 yards or so in distance. I can almost read him like a book as to what's on the menu Points squirrels aswell Sometimes he can be a complete twat though
  13. Yep top man by all counts as soon as I can prise one of my kids of PC I guna order. This phone don't work his website
  14. Interesting stuff fellas thanks
  15. Thanks for that chid 21 is that the same for most folk,my dog 18 month and very soft mouthed wouldn't want to ruin that by putting him to teeth he wants em for sure (rats)
  16. Sorry if I am high jacking this post but what age before put to fox pre ban Just curious
  17. Apparently they have bred well with ferals and are farowing bigger litters soon be as common as roe
  18. Got this from some pretty mouthed banjo playing site Pigs, hogs, boars—they all wallow in mud, root around, and can destroy nearly any vegetation in their path. But what makes a pig a pig and not a boar or hog? Ultimately, there’s no cut-and-dried difference, because farmers, hunters, and regular folk all use these terms a little differently and interchangeably. However, “pig” usually refers to the barnyard variety, a wild boar is the kind that lives out in nature and is the ancestor of domestic pigs, and “hog” is used to describe larger pigs and boars. Technically speaking, they’re all of t
  19. If it's causing concern then vets is best. I have had it in the past little thorns that have gone a bit pussie and have just bathed in salt water and it has cleared up in a couple of days good luck mate
  20. Nettles are quite pokey at the moment mate How long has he been like it
  21. Got a kiwi mate that hunts pig at home,when I asked what dogs his words were any medium sized mutt from the pound
  22. Well said,a mate has had a few young dogs given to him over the years said not up to the job, but with time and patience they have become truly exceptional. I guess some mature quicker to life in the field than others. Interesting stuff
  23. One from today looking at home in ancient woodland
  24. Is that the net maker who took a beating not so long back.
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