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Chaff last won the day on March 6

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3,590 Excellent

About Chaff

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter

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  1. Let me ask dodger as I work with some people that teach shooting to the wealthy. Worth a try? Unless you want a change in career van delivery pays well if you put the hours in I believe mate.
  2. Just couldn't get these carp feeding today, had them sat on top of my lightly baited spots but just wouldn't eat. Has turned well cold today mind.
  3. Had a mate who was attack dog handler back in the day in Ireland, red paw ?
  4. What's your line of work mate ? I can ask around my place of work as some jobs come with accommodation. Totally get where you're coming from regarding your boys.
  5. Had few lidls western, the other weekend and very nice too. Have a good evening mate, we are back at luccombes for a bit of fishing
  6. These seem to go down well
  7. Perfect combination, and not at all the making of a messy evening that bor lol
  8. Creosote? They just seem to be attracted to the stuff lol
  9. Definitely too good to leave, will do someone proud. Looking forward to a catch up and who knows maybe a fish or 2 on the bank mate
  10. Sad times mate, good luck with the sale.
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