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Everything posted by Gin

  1. Thanks very much for that,- seems a good link.
  2. Sent you pm Vermin dropper, but no reply ?
  3. My mate is looking for a decent cross-bow for target only. Not the smaller pistol type. Anyone got any info on where to get one, if poss second hand. He is not on the internet, so if poss PM me and i will pass on contact number if one for sale. Thanks
  4. Thanks very much but he does not have that much cash spare just now.
  5. Have you a contact number for him. Thanks pal.
  6. Air rifle wanted by my mate,- just had his stolen with his fishing gear a few nights ago, and not expecting to get it back. North East Area and i will pass any number onto him. Thanks
  7. For sale @ £150 if interested,- to good permanent home.
  8. Yes it is,- he has not got the time to work all the Lurchers but can work the terrier with another of the lurchers. He brought the dog here for me to photograph it, and its a crackin dog for someone, if he can find the right home. He will not just let it go to anyone. How are yours doing ?
  9. A friend of mine,- a good working dog lad,- bred a litter of pups and kept a couple back but is now wanting to swap one of the Lurchers for a working terrier. Saluki x Greyhound X Whippet greyhound. About 25 inches. Been on all legal quarry . Must be a good home,- will be checked. Very good with kids and other dogs, i have seen that for myself. A very nice dog indeed. 14 month old. PM me for a contact number. Cramlington Northumberland.
  10. Gin

    Knife for Ditch

    It works out very cheap just now, for what i think are the best blades.
  11. Gin

    Knife for Ditch

    No i did not use a spacer,- its just silver solder and High strength Devcon Epoxy for guard and handle. Still a lot to do yet but its looking ok. I was just trying to show a few on this site that you can get some decent blades and parts that give a good knife thats not too expensive. Thanks Duckwing.
  12. Gin

    Knife for Ditch

    No its not damascus, i wish it had been but sold out of damascus. Drop point hunter if you look in blades in the catalogue
  13. Gin

    Knife for Ditch

    Yes Mike i agree just now, but there is a lot to come off yet.
  14. Gin

    Knife for Ditch

    Thanks,- i will put up the photos when finished.
  15. This is one of the kinves bought as a mixed kit from the Texas Knife Supplies http://www.texasknife.com/TKS_Mainframe.htm If the photos come out ok Its not finished yet Micarta handle
  16. Gin


    This site will give you all the info you require, covers ww2 also. http://1914-1918.invisionzone.com/forums/index.php?
  17. I hope you had a great day, you deserve it. Very Best Wishes Indeed.
  18. Gin


    This is Damascus ,- it is the steel beaten and folded upto 500 times, for a much better blade.
  19. Gin


    Don't forget a photo of the finished knife. Let us know what the damascus quality is like.
  20. Gin


    That is a good Damascus blade and a good price. It will make a great knife.
  21. Yes it is, very sad as it was a much loved family pet.
  22. Thanks JT but the dog was found killed on the road. Very sad, but she knows what happened to it.
  23. Gin


    Which site ? That is a good price. What type of blade ? Hunter, Skinner etc
  24. Gin


    Did you get sorted,- Where from. Take care with Damascus blades, as there are a lot of cheap blades coming from India. Try to get an edge on them and they de-laminate. Texas Knife Supplies is about the best for damascus,- i think anyway.
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