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Everything posted by Gin

  1. I'd expect them to turn the same on a rabbit or hare. I don't think it would make any difference using either in a Lurcher.
  2. If you get the price for the tattooing LDR, can you put it up on here. Thanks. Its some time since i got mine done.
  3. Hippy And LDR,- its Dave Hall, in Newcastle, doing the tattooing. Registered. 0191 2411096 There is also some girl near Corbridge doing it, but not got a number yet for her. Hope this helps.
  4. Got my dog done,- chap in Newcastle, and properly registered. Will sort details for you
  5. Good photos and looks a good day.
  6. Gin

    Computer Help

    OK Folks, upto now it seems to have worked. Thanks very much. I did have a great computer "whizz kid" friend but he has moved away, so its you folk on here for advice, and you have been a great help.
  7. Gin

    Computer Help

    I am running the Malwarebytes Anti-malware and will let you know what happens.
  8. Gin

    Computer Help

    Can some one just give me a link to something that will do it. The info upto now is a bit complicated. Thanks
  9. Gin

    Computer Help

    A thing keeps coming up on my pc,- called SpywareGuard 2009. Trial version. I can't get rid of it, can any one help. It keeps switching itself on at start up. Its not in add or remove software as far as i can see. Thanks.
  10. What about these http://www.daf-petfood.co.uk/wb/
  11. I was training Gunner to the gun in that area,- thanks for the info but i expect he is too big for a field drain, yet some drains are large. I will keep a look out. It was good there, pre ban on hares.
  12. Heard about the red dog,- very sad. Where was the field drain.
  13. He will be fine off the lead now Kay. Always good to get out early morning. Nice photos.
  14. Gin

    For GD Waz

    Your inbox is full pal.
  15. You can set them Kay for different types of metal.
  16. Metal detector groups do this sort of thing. Find a local group. !
  17. Gin


  18. Yes, i hope to see you soon. My young dog is fairly fit now and will see what we can cover this weekend.
  19. Welcome to the site, your a real good working dog man. Grand looking dogs there.
  20. Yes , he is enjoying it all. Is it the Plummer thats "coming on " just now. We have upto 60 ferrets now in the rescue and getting down on rabbit, so any spare is welcome any time.
  21. Yes, i had "C" here, telling me all about the dogs. Well done. Very sorry about the Lakeland.
  22. Good looking type and working very well i hear.
  23. Gin

    THL site problem

    Yes your correct,- working fine now. Thank You very much pal.
  24. When i click onto any post, the first post will show as normal, but then all other replies are lumped together, like attachments to click on to bring up. Any idea how i correct this. I have deleted the cookies etc but still the same. Thanks for any advice.
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