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Everything posted by Gin

  1. Gin

    General Knife

    There has been many threads on knives, and although i have made some knives , i did also buy a couple. One stands out as a great all-round type, and its the Nieto 440c stainless ( very famous for quality ). Quite a sturdy blade but the blade lends itself perfect for skinning and gutting, and really general bushcraft type requirements. Also comes with a quality heavy duty leather sheath. Only 36 euros advertised, although i paid a lot more than that about 10 years ago ( or more ). WELL WORTH the money. http://www.aceros-de-hispania.com/gb/infer...sollador_knives
  2. If this book is by J. Lucus,- its the best one i ever read and cheap at £10.
  3. Love all the nature stuff Kay,- great photos. Keep them coming.
  4. If its fed whole, as often as you like. Its natural food for the ferrets.
  5. "My God" It seems to have worked. Thanks Very Much Archie
  6. No Bar or any option ?
  7. I am still having problems with Active X Anyone help . A box comes up, saying Microsoft Internet Explorer Your current security settings prohibit running Active X on this page. Thanks if you can help sort it.
  8. Yes its off,- Its a shame as that was a real good show.
  9. Have a good night lads, and hope no injuries.
  10. He is 25in to the shoulder, and just on rabbits. A very nice dog indeed.
  11. Thanks. Gunner has never bothered any of the ferrets but is best with Amos. Its good to see them together. Just thought it was a good photo.
  12. Just by chance got a couple of photos today. So thought i'd put them up. Gunner my Lurcher is quarter beddy, and Amos the ferret. Well socialised.
  13. Thats a good vehicle at that price. It should sell ok
  14. A little Myxi in the area but nothing serious yet
  15. Just been asked for a photo of the gun,- but thats the gun in the advert.
  16. Its mint condition. Only the gas bottle not included.
  17. Mine is insured with MoreThan, and is down as a crossbreed. Good insurance.
  18. This and Weldon Gun Room,- the best places, but also a good camping and hiking shop in Newcastle on Clayton Street.
  19. Gin

    Haswel Auction

    So is it at Shotton for sure
  20. Does anyone know if Haswel is still going, i thought it was but just been told it may not be. If it is on , when is it on, and is it the same place. Thanks
  21. Good , clean motor John. Hope you get a quick sale or swap.
  22. Anything crossed with a running dog.
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