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Everything posted by Gin

  1. I can't say for sure , who is there John, contact Marcia.
  2. Do you mean the last Morpeth Hunt Show, or the Dyke Neuk Show. This one is Marcias first show,- no connection to the others.
  3. No, its run independant by Marcia who runs the hound welfare. Its her show.
  4. Frontline is all we use, and its been perfect everytime. It has to go on the skin. That is the type your using isn't it. Its the best stuff we have ever found to work. What do you mean by "dosed them" with it.
  5. Everyone is working at making this a real good show for everyone.
  6. Yes, and i think the deer are supposed to still be there after the show.
  7. Double of my dog, quarter beddy, with Deerhound in there. Brother to Chartpolski's dog in his reply photo. Lovely looking dog
  8. Is this the Raby Castle Game Fair, Staindrop, Darlington. DL2 3AH Terriers, Lurchers, BullCross Saturday 11th and Sunday12th July. Contact Info,- A Tyre 07754 220157
  9. Terrier, Lurcher and Foxhound show. In aid of Morpeth Hound Welfare Fund. Sunday 5th July. Meldon, Morpeth, signposted from the Dyke Neuk Pub. Judging starts 1pm. Also, Terrier racing, Lurcher racing, Family dog show, ferrets, Birds of prey,- Countryside Marquee, - quoits, raffle, fun dog scurry, tombola, teas,- licensed bar,- BBQ more info contact ,- 07786736495. this is their first show, so lets try and make it a good one for them. I am in the Countryside marquee
  10. Blanchland Sports Club. Show field. Blanchland, Co Durham. DH8 9UB Info contact,- N. Stobbart 01207 255230
  11. whens that next sunday mate what time dose it kick off and how much is the entry fee /parkin fee lamp Contact for info N. Stobbart 01207 255230
  12. Countryside Marquee will be there next year, so looking forward to seeing you all. I hear its the best game fair.
  13. Next show Blanchland , near the Derwent reservoir area, Co Durham DH8 9UB. Not far from where you were today.
  14. You were there. ! I was all over looking for you, and asking around the ferret area. You should have called there and said hello. Had a good chat with Gillydog. Next show is the Blanchland Terrier and Lurcher, bullX, show, on Sunday 14th June.
  15. We should be there from about 11.30, in the ferret area.
  16. Yes try and bring ferrets along lads, and make it a good show. Looking forward to seeing you Lamp & Battery, tomorrow
  17. Be good if you could make it CP,- See you all there.
  18. Yes, judging from 1pm. See you there. We will be with Gill and Andy.
  19. Thanks for that info. New to quails
  20. We were given some quails a few weeks ago. Two groups,- of 4 hen birds and one cock bird, to each group. Getting plenty of eggs daily. Each group has its own large run. Upto today no problem,- but we noticed there was blood on the floor so checked each bird,- we did notice one hen bird appear to peck the cock bird on his underside. On picking him up, we found a big gaping hole into his stomach area,- so he was PTS instantly. Anyone any idea why ? Plenty of food, grit etc. Cotonix quail. Would anyone have a poultry keeping / breeding DVD i could borrow. My friend gave us the birds only becau
  21. Crackin photos. Very clear i think so.
  22. We will be there. If anyone has ferrets, try and bring some along. The numbers were falling the past few years, and its a shame for the organisers. Ta
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