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Everything posted by Gin

  1. Whin, just go outside and take a picture of your dogs and put it up, on here, for people to see what type you have.
  2. Beddy Greyhound X Deerhound Whippet Greyhound. 25 1/2 tts
  3. Whin said in a previous post that a dog should be able to run 8 miles a night or no good to him. Something is wrong if any dog can't run 8 miles. I used to run that as a warm up, and thats no bullshit. Whin is no more than DB Plummer but without the books.
  4. The keepers around here would normally do the tyres of the vehicle or just run you off the road.
  5. I do like that dog ( type ) Hannah, very much.
  6. Owned and worked them with the Saudi's for many years
  7. Chartpolski is the person to ask about Saluki's.
  8. Can't find either book. You thinking of getting one ( Saluki )
  9. bullterrier,- The same thing happened up here in Longbenton, with a car.
  10. arnieboy,- how the free vote goes is up to the MP's, but you'd not get a free vote with Labour.
  11. The public couldn't care less about it all. It was the hype in the press by the LACS and RSPCA that pushed Labour to the ban,( with a large cash donation to help), by using the parliament act, which itself was only created for times of national emergency in-particular war time. Its your own MP that will decide it for you in a free vote. Our own MP had most "interested" voters against the ban, yet he still voted for it. (Labour MP). I never ever voted labour and never will. The CA are the only chance you have with the Conservatives and your own MP. If the ban is overturned its the whole ban,
  12. Well said danw,- i did the marches and could have taken many more with me, but they could not be bothered. Very well known terrier folk did not go because they said they did not like London. If everyone had bothered to go, the outcome may well have been different. Two million easily could have hit London, and the Labour government would have had to re-think, before using the Parliament act to push the ban through. A free vote to overturn the ban, is the whole ban by saying the present ban is not legal.
  13. Whin is running the next one. I think LDR has had enough. !
  14. http://homepage.ntlworld.com/ferreter/ferretrescues.htm
  15. No one is bragging on the numbers. You can only run whats there.
  16. Talk to the police now about it.
  17. danw. I know some high up in the CA,- who was it who told you that.
  18. Congratulations to LDR but Well Done Torchey as runner up. You can only run whats there on the night, no matter where it is.
  19. My dog Jack ( Black Jack, running name )was just like that, he would just stand there, and seemed to have no life about him,- it took my other dog a few months to "bring him on", playing and having a run. Your dogs will have a good life with you now, of that i'm sure.
  20. Great looking dogs Kay. I used to have an ex track greyhound. I do like them.
  21. We are down from about 60 ferrets at one point to about 20 now (Rescue),- we had a hob done, but at times needed a jab.
  22. Plucked from the Tyne. I think it may have been battered and thrown into the Tyne. http://www.ferretsforum.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?tid=17201
  23. When the ferret is in season the jab is to take it out. Costs £3.50, at our vet, but you need to shop around, as some other local vets are charging £30 just for the jab.
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