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Everything posted by Gin

  1. Ever get that feeling, you wished you'd said nowt. LOL
  2. Elvis was by far the best with all his music, you can't just pick one.
  3. I ordered a Border pup off a good breeder to go to Ireland, pick of litter,- but when i went for the pup i was told you can't have it, as its got a hernia ( same type ), so second choice went to Ireland. I asked the breeder what he was going to do with the original pup, he said knock it on the head i can't sell it, so i offered him £50 for it. At six months old i took it to the vet to have the hernia repaired but the vet could find no hernia by then. The vet said its quite common to see in young pups what looks like a hernia but isn't really,- its often the way the mother picks up the pups an
  4. Wear Valley Ferret Rescue 2010 Halloween Show in conjunction with North East Ferret Rescue http://www.ferrethaven.org.uk http://www.northeastferretrescue.co.uk Oct 30, 2010 St. Catherine's Community Centre Market Place, Crook DL15 8NE Ring 01661 835060 or 07857491091 if you have any questions or need any more details. Doors open at 9:30 and booking from 10:00 - 10:30. Judging from 11:00 - 3:00. Classes are £1 each. Adult main classes and their sponsors are as followed: Albino Hob Albino Jill Polecat Hob Kathy Taylor Polecat Jill Sandy Hob Harrison Smal
  5. Just give him a call, he will sort the collars
  6. Up to 10 is most often, but we have had ferrets to 15 years old, with good care.
  7. An ad in the Countrymans Weekly for mk1 collars for sale/repair also repair of mk1 boxes. Reasonable prices i think so. Depends on fault though, to price of repair. Number 07951 286630
  8. If it turns out to be a problem with the box, there was an ad in The Countrymans Weekly, for repairing the MK1 boxes etc. Number 07951 286630 Probably something on the land though.
  9. MoreThan insurance, are as cheap as most, and were fantastic with our friends Labrador. The insurance start date had not "kicked in" so they technically did not have to pay out. They did though, and covered all bills even when the dog was sent to the vets teaching centre up in Scotland for specialist treatment. It would have cost about £3,000 We are now with MoreThan.
  10. http://dogs.about.com/od/dogandpuppyhealth/tp/toxins.htm I was handed a lost dog at the Wolsingham show this year, and asked to find its owner. It came home with us the first night, and would only eat steak and kidney pie. Fretting i thought. We had to keep him in the spare room that night because of my other dogs. I did find the owner, and the dog was 12 years old and in very good condition. The owner said,- he wont eat dog food,- its Sunday, he will be wanting his roast beef and yorkshire pud. He only eats what they eat. This is him.
  11. Deliver also http://www.daf-petfood.co.uk/wb/
  12. I'd have thought a good greyhound,- everything you need is in the breeding anyway, and mixing more, you could end up with any size.
  13. You could get the same up in Northumberland, for 1 1/4 million. My ex boss paid that about 2 years ago. Got some good trout lakes on it also, up near Bamburgh Castle. I'm not so sure he is bored yet either with it. I do the lottery but no luck yet. Won a few tenners,- enough to buy a door knocker for the "new place"
  14. Unless you know the owner, you can't tell if a dogs worked or not. I was at a show a few years ago, and a very well known terrierman, asked his wife to put the dog in the ring, as he was obviously well known but his wife was not ( no-one recognised her ). She was disgracefully shouted down about her "pet" in the ring. The dog won easily. That dog worked with a hunt kennel on a regular basis. I know him well. I never saw his wife enter another of their working dogs again. What a shame. Take away the shows and what have you left.
  15. http://cgi.ebay.com/WADE-BUTCHER-England-Sheffield-huge-fighting-knife-/260653720655?pt=Collectible_Knives&hash=item3cb02c244f
  16. Looks like you all had a great time. Thats what the shows are about. Great photos.
  17. Glad you got the dog back. Was good to see you and say Hi.
  18. Gin


    Thank you all,- much appreciated. More stuff just been added to her website. She hopes to have an exhibition soon.
  19. Gin


    Just an update. Wendy now has her own website, with new stuff on. Perhaps some on here may give her a helping hand by cross-posting her website. She would still like to do this for a living. Thanks all. http://www.nosesandposes.webeden.co.uk/
  20. Wrap it well, conceiled, and send it TNT, just say its fishing stuff.
  21. Venue can be found on the B6315, Between High Spen and Greenside. ( North East ) High Spen NE39 2 Full terrier, Lurcher and also Gundog classes. Judging starts at 11am. Entries paid in ring. £1 per entry. Also on the field, starting at 1pm, Companion / Exemption dog show. Refreshments and toilets on the field. trade stands. More info, Janet 07951451583 Sunday 26th September Should be a very good day out.
  22. Lets just see what happens in the future if there are any more threats. The only true dog men i know on the sites, are Shawn, LDR, and Chartpolski. I know there are others like Keeps and Molly etc, but for doing it all. Shawn, LDR, and Chartpolski.
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