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Everything posted by Gin

  1. Get the pup chipped, it costs about £10. If the pup gets lost, you get it back.
  2. Thanks but its someone in Birtley i need, if possible. I was given an address as Burnloose, but it does not seem to be correct. I'm looking for a particular dog also.
  3. I've made many sticks, by using a hot air gun. Keep the gun about 4 inches from the shank, and keep turning the shank, until nearly too hot to handle. Straighten in the vice with the help of blocks placed against the bend. One block on the bend and two either side infront, and screw up the vice, and leave to cool. Works perfectly. http://www.bobsticks.co.uk/links.htm
  4. You will find this site very interesting pal Welcome
  5. If anyone is from Birtley, Gateshead, can you pm me. I need some info about a dog. Thanks Its a long shot, but i'm running out of options.
  6. Scroll down http://www.customknivesandsticks.co.uk/articles.htm
  7. Very Happy Birthday. I hope you had a lovely day. Dave
  8. Some very nice Beddy X's,- there must be more on here though.
  9. It was a real good and interesting few hours out JT. Once the terrier got her first rabbit,- something just seemed to "kick in" in her brain, and it was like she had been at it for years. I'm very pleased to have been able to help,- and Molly is one of the best for advice. She's a canny bugger.
  10. Are you sure he said it was Snake Wood,- Its a very nice knife though. I have used Snake Wood http://www.amazonexotichardwoods.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=CTGY&Category_Code=TB-S
  11. I'd have picked up the dog and taken it to the vets if i'd seen it was still alive,- i'd have stopped anyway and checked. Then i'd have asked police, dog warden etc if it was reported lost and phoned the owner. Wonder how many people just drove past. Very sorry to hear about this.
  12. Gin

    help really needed

    Get lots of posters up in the shops in those areas, and keep at the dog warden. The posters worked great for us when one of ours went missing. We received very accurate information via posters and got our dog back. Very best wishes in getting yours back.
  13. Yes Julia you would enjoy the day, its always a good friendly time. It would be nice to see you and say hello if you can make it to the show.
  14. They have a dad that participates with them, and thats a massive boost for the kids, Well done Dylan.
  15. Very good post and great photos. looks a great place.
  16. You can't house them together all year, or you will have loads of kits very soon, as the jills come into season. As was said, keep seperate till you can be sure the hob is free from problems. Loads of info on this site. http://homepage.ntlworld.com/ferreter/ferretrescues.htm
  17. Anyone going ? Most of the ferrets that get handed in are lost workers, and do work well if we take any of them out working. They are all speyed so no need for a jill jab, or having to "take the jills out of season", and hobs can live together all year round. Anyone looking for any ferrets, just call in for a chat.
  18. Thanks Lee, the North East Ferret Rescue still has loads of ferrets to feed, so any spare is very grateful.
  19. Hi Lee I tried a bit pipe and vet wrap on the greyhounds tail, and it worked fine. The pups looking fine there.
  20. Thats a very good, interesting post.
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