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Everything posted by Gin

  1. Hi , Ian Its the one at Ashington i meant, but a show is held at Morpeth yearly. Your from Durham,- Tom Keers has one of the best classes your way. Getting back to this original thread. I still think the hot air-gun is best for straightening, after trying most other methods.
  2. Best Wishes Paul, have a great 2011 pal
  3. Romany,- have you made any horn sticks ?. You have one of the best night classes in Stickdressing, just around the corner from you, if interested.
  4. http://homepage.ntlworld.com/ferreter/ferretrescues.htm
  5. I only use a white ferret with my dog, as he can get over excited when working with them,- from a pup you should have no problem, just handling the ferret in front of the dog and letting them play.
  6. Alan Bateman has some fantastic videos out on stickmaking. Perhaps someone has them on dvd. Wood and fancy horn etc.
  7. Great photos Kay, i do like that dog very much.
  8. Gin

    Merry Christmas to you and your family Kay.

  9. Merry Christmas MLB and your family. Have a fab day, as i'm sure you will.
  10. I freeze now for three weeks, and gut but leaving the organs in , and give the rabbit, with skin,and feet, to the dog. The heads go in for the ferrets. My old Lurcher used to eat the complete rabbit, after freezing. I have never heard of a dog having problems with the skin, but i'm not saying it can't happen, just unusual. There was always a massive noticable difference in my old lurcher when fed rabbit. Much more life about her, and more of a "bounce". That was in just 24 hours of feeding it.
  11. The prices Nobo is charging for his collars is in no way expensive, for that type of best leather, and the work that goes into them. I am doing some leather-work myself and know the cost of quality leather, and time involved. I think they are fantastic work Nobo Also Strong Stuff is doing great collars,- but both types are so different. Support each other. I'm very surprised at one business man slagging off another.
  12. Its a good feeling to use a knife you have done yourself,- but yes finding the time is not so easy at times. Well worth it though, if you have a go.
  13. Now they are very good horns pal, and will make some great sticks.
  14. My mate has his own site. http://jacksshed.myfreeforum.org/Neats_Foot_Oil_Leatherwork_about6855.html
  15. Another link,- i used an evostick type glue, for the welt, and it did not work with Neats foot oil. I now use the recommended latex type glue. Such as Copydex http://jacksshed.myfreeforum.org/Neats_Foot_Oil_Leatherwork_about6855.html
  16. Good rams horns are like gold dust,- you need a horn from a ram at least 4 years of age.
  17. Another link My mate did this one. Same blade http://jacksshed.myfreeforum.org/Smallholder1_latest_blade_about7043.html
  18. I have customised several blades now, and getting better after each one. I'm a bit lucky, as i can do a lot of the work at work in my breaks and my mate is a knifemaker and he recently let me borrow some of his sanding gear, which also saved lots of time and effort, but it can all be easily done with files and sandpaper. I will put a few links up to articles i did on another site, as it would take me ages to put it all on here again. I hope you can see it all ok. http://jacksshed.myfreeforum.org/Latest_knife_about6490.html
  19. Yes, its a paint stripper type hot air gun. If you keep turning the shank it will not harm the bark in anyway. If your not sure, you can wrap a bit of tinfoil around the shank area being heated. A lot of people are buying straight grain timber handpieces, such as crooks, but its really a waste of money, as soon as you drop it or put any strain on it, it will easily snap. Only work with one piece Shank-handpiece, or use a burr. Far stronger, and not likely to snap. Take a look at this site. Tell Martin what you want and he will do his best to get it for you. http://www.highlandhorn.com/
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