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Everything posted by Gin

  1. Yes its a very good type and the leatherwork is very good also. Nice work.
  2. Not the ones we got back for other folk
  3. Cut the head off, and feed the meat its fine.
  4. Paton1981 There are pups now in the Cramlington area, Northumberland. pm me if interested
  5. I hope you do find your dog,- check all surrounding woodland, as it could be living wild,- mine was when it went missing. If its stolen its difficult to get a single colour dog back,- for anyone to recognise it, thats why i'd always say get an ear tattoo, as its almost impossible for thieves to move the dog on if its got the tattoo. Best wishes for you and the dog pal
  6. The one your making is good leatherwork.
  7. Very very nice Rob,- i use the spray water-proofer on the inside, but shoe polish outside. Very nice knife also.
  8. Mine just has shoe polish on it. You can also use dubbin, or a wax Thats a very nice and well made sheath, Rob.
  9. Gin


    One of the all time greats
  10. He only does it as a hobby to help him through ill health. Thats not bad for a hobbyist.
  11. Yes he does some amazing work. His site. http://www.customknivesandsticks.co.uk/
  12. Its Dylon stain, from the local shoe repair shop. See photo on page one.
  13. Bumping this, to make sure people see its not going ahead.
  14. Still not a very good photo, but you can still see it. Now stained, and drying out. Better photo when its finished
  15. Best to phone Le Prevo and explain what your making, and they will help you.
  16. I was asked again for the link for Le Prevo http://www.leprevo.co.uk/
  17. Oil or wax the blade, then wrap the knife in clingfilm. Soak the sheath without the knife in it, for a few minutes. Then put the knife in the soaked sheath, and using a teaspoon, press around the shape of the handle, pushing the leather into shape. Leave the knife in, and put somewhere warm and dry, like an airing cupboard ( Not on a radiator ) for 24 hours. Remove the knife, and as the leather is still damp, stain it now and put ( just the sheath ) back in the cupboard to dry for another 3 or 4 days.
  18. Its not a very clear photo from my phone, but trying for a good fit, before soaking and moulding.
  19. Waiting to hear back from you.
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