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Everything posted by Gin

  1. My mate has a couple to make for a particular hunt. He is doing the hand pieces, but getting the leather done properly. There are regulations, on the length and diameter of the crop / whip,- also for male or female, and position within the hunt ( colour of it ) etc. A lot more than you'd expect. I just thought you just bought anyone.
  2. Can anyone do the braided leather to fit onto hunting whips. 36 inches to 48inches. If so , prices etc. Thanks Dave
  3. Jack Hargreaves and Jack Charlton also helped a lot,- great interest in those programmes.
  4. When i was about 10 years old, i was very interested in the countryside, - wildlife and trees etc, and also joined the young ornithologists club. Anything countryside. With friends i also used to go "tracking" in the snow, with home made spears to catch dinner !! Never speared anything. We also used to search out pheasant "nests" and get the eggs and take them to a local chap who hatched them out and he sold the chicks back to the farmers. We used to watch a local pit man train his whippets in the welfare field, then follow him working the whippets on rabbits,- there seemed loads of rabbits
  5. Frozen for two weeks,- thawed out and just fed as such. Never had any problem. That was pup at ten weeks
  6. Gin


    Not only that, but the punishment he took from George Foreman. Amazing.
  7. Gin


    Muhammad Ali, the finest athlete of all time.
  8. Contact the North East Ferret Rescue for that advice, Gill or Andy on,- 01661 835060. They both work so you may have to keep trying, if you don't get an answer at first.
  9. Hi WOZ, sorry i see you had got it sorted. It will be much easier now to sharpen it up. My mate has the good wet stones, but i managed ok with the Fallkniven DC3 stone, as shown. Best wishes Dave
  10. Instead of buying an expensive frame for your stones, i made this up at work, and it will take any stone. Its very simply made but works good.
  11. Woz, has your knife got a secondary bevel on it,- its more difficult to sharpen that type. Getting the correct angle, on that secondary bevel. I find a straight grind to be best anyway, but there again, just my opinion.
  12. It gives one method anyway
  13. I wonder how much they go for ?
  14. http://www.nebusiness.co.uk/small-business-news/2010/11/23/firm-s-focus-based-on-all-things-ferret-51140-27694770/ Sorry i hadn't realised it was a business
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